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          The atmosphere in the hideout was tense, the attack on the commission was today and everyone was preparing and running around trying to get everything together and ready. Dabi and twice had been sent on another mission elsewhere, Hawks didnt know where they went or what they were doing but it always seemed to be those two that were sent off for other things, with their quirks Hawks just assumed they were being sent off for assassination since twice was a silent killer and Dabi could remove any evidence with a simple flash of a flame. 

Hawks stood on the ledge of the tall concrete building scanning over the city for any trouble, patrol was quiet today. The commission building soon caught his eye... he knew what was coming. He was meant to be there to held defend them but he didnt feel like giving up his cover yet. He was thankful Dabi wouldnt be there since he knew the power that the commission held and he was worried the villain would get hurt. he knew he shouldn't care and the bird was well aware of the major mistake he made by dating the villain in the first place but he couldn't help it. 

 There was suddenly a loud bang coming from the building and hawks instantly knew... the fight had began. Windows smashing and screams echoing through the streets. Hawks flew a little closer but it wasn't close enough to be seen as he watched the scene play out. None of the usual villains were there but he knew that, it was just the smaller ones who werent as useful as the others, he was clearly saving the stronger ones for the war. He saw shigaraki approaching the building slowly pulling his glove off as he went. The heros insticts wanted to stop him but he couldnt reveal that he was behind this... they would kill him and never trust him again. Placing his hand against the concrete the building suddenly collapsed. Hawks couldnt stand to watch anymore, he quickly took to the sky getting away from the scene. 

Spinner was climbing through the rubble towards a commission member quickly slicing their throat before smiling proudly until something landed on his arm. He looked over and saw the red feather laid on his scaly arm. He grabbed it harshly and ran over to shigaraki who was watching the chaos erupt. 

"Boss..." he said passing the feather to the other. 

Shigaraki stared at it for a few seconds before slowly reaching up and gripping it tightly watching it turn to dust. 


The next night hawks flew to the hideout, quite a few villains had been apprehended yesterday and half the commission was dead.it was all over the news and the hero were now working overtime in order to try and prevent the league doing anything else.  He felt too guilty to leave the house so left it for a day and now he was finally on his way back to the league. Twice and Dabi should be back by now he thought to himself as he pushed open the metal door. He stepped in and sure enough was greeted but two smiling blondes who were always happy to see him. 

"Hawks!" They said in unison. 

"He-" he was cut off when he was suddenly grabbed and had a knife to his throat 

"your dead meat chicken" the lizard spat. 

"spinner what the hell!?" Dabi yelled as he entered the room, his eyes immediately landing on the lizard with a knife to the birds throat. "let him go!!!" 

"Kill him" a voice said as the boss slowly came into view. 

"WHAT!? NO!!" dabi ran over to hawks with a hand full of flames aimed at the fellow villain.

 "This waste of oxygen told the commission we were coming... hes working for them.. kill him" shiggy continued. 

"no he couldnt have! He wouldnt do that to us!" Twice said jumping in. 

Shit hawks thought to himself. they knew.. and what was worse is twice and Dabi were actually trying to defend him but shiggy wanted him dead. 

"We found a feather at the scene.. and the commission were.. prepared. He needs to pay.." 

Burn In Hell - DabiXHawksWhere stories live. Discover now