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     Gloved hands shoved into his pockets and shoulders up to his ears hawks wondered down the street with his large crimson red wings creating a dome above his head trying to shelter him from the rain. The sky was dark and each rain drop felt like a small icicle penetrating his skin. Puddles had formed on the ground surface, rippling as hawks black boots hit them. 

"Fucking weather" the bird mumbled under his breathe.

 A few days prior the hero had managed to send a letter to the league asking to set up a meeting so they could discuss him joining. When he got a reply the next day with a time and place attached the nerves kicked in. He had no idea what to expect. Were they all gonna be there? Were they planning to kill him? Were they even gonna show up? All these thoughts had been swirling around his mind for the last 48 hours. Sharply turning the corner hawks wondered down the ally way where he was to meet... someone? Hopefully! 

After a few minutes hawks noticed a figure in the corner. The dark figure was leant up against the wall with a cigarette in his hand. He took a drag before throwing the cigarette to the floor and stepping forwards towards hawks. Hawks breathe caught in his throat, god they were even scarier in person. 

"So... pro hero hawks wants to join the league huh?" The figure chuckled stepping close into the single street light. 

Hawks took in the others appearance. He was tall with short purple hair. Dry green scales covered his skin with a grey hoodie and black denim jacked thrown on top. 

Hawks nodded "you're spinner right? I saw you on the news" he stated with confidence since that was key right now.

 "Where are your friends?" The lizard spat.

 "Wha- oh! You mean the heros? They dont know im here".

 "Hand over your phone and i need to check you for ear pieces or tracking devices". 

Hawks sighed and nodded putting his hands in the air for spinner to do whatever made him happy. After taking his phone and his headphones and giving the bird a full pat down he nodded. 

"The boss wants to meet you" spinner started walking and hawks followed behind. 

After 20 minutes Suddenly the blonde scoffed as he shoved his hands back into his pockets. 

"What are you scoffing at!?" Spinner hissed at him. 

"I kinda feel bad for you, they thought i would bring some fellow pros with me so they sent you, kinda shows how little you bring to the league right? I mean shigaraki literally risked your life meeting me, makes me feel sorry for you that even the league of social rejects rejected you" hawks chuckled to himself. 

Spinner pulled open a large metal door to an old warehouse as hawks spoke. He stopped and glared at the hero suddenly grabbing him by the collar and pushing him inside. 

"get your ass inside asshole!" 

Hawks stumbled into the warehouse and took a quick glance. It was covered in spray paint bit looked weirdly artistic. In the right corner there was a large metal staircase with a broken railing. To the left of it was a run down looking kitchen although it had a nice island in the centre. In the front right corner was a tv that was nost likely definitely stolen resting on a metal box with a couple broken sofas surronding it and a pink bean bag. 

"So wheres the boss?" He asked. 

Spinner grabbed his arm taking him through to a different room that was completely plain unlike the other room. There was one single chair in the middle. 

Burn In Hell - DabiXHawksWhere stories live. Discover now