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Another day another meeting. Hawks was bored of these by now.. although there was a lot less people than usual. The new office was basic.. and small. Its all they could get done in time after the building was destoryed. The hero wasnt listening to a word that was being said instead he was thinking the villain that was on his mind a lot lately. He knew he had to move on from Touya eventually but he never thought he actually would yet here he was absolutely infatuated with the black haired villain.

"Hawks. Update."

"Literally nothing. They dont trust me currently, so ive been ban from meetings again" he sighed. "

Then gain their trust." She spat as she looked down at him. "Dismissed".

Hawks wondered into endevours agency slowly making his way to the pros office. He walked in and was met with the smaller todoroki.

"Hey shoto" hawks smiled softly.

"Hi hawks" he waved.

Hawks got along with shoto quite well, in a way he reminded him of Touya.

"What do you want hawks" endevour glared at him.

Clearly they had been in the middle of an argument.

"Um i just came to see if you wanted to get lunch"

"ill be out soon." Endevour said motioning to the door.

The bird nodded and left waiting in the lobby.

Burnt marshmallow: hey baby bird whatcha doin

Baby bird: im about to go out for lunch with the boss, whats up?

Burnt marshmallow: send nudes

Burnt marshmallow: jk jk

Burnt marshmallow: unless?

Baby bird: your such an asshole, come to mine tonight ;)

Hawks chuckled at his phone before opening his photo gallery and searching through some of them. He finally found one and smirked sending it to the villain

Baby bird: *image sent*

Burnt marshmallow: fuck i love you

He laughed again before putting his phone back into his pocket. Shoto walked out the office looking a mess, he looked like he was trying to hold everything together.

"Hey kiddo you okay?" The hero asked.

Shoto shook his head "theres a dance at school soon and im not allowed to go.."

"What!? Why?" Hawks got up going to him

"Because of the person im going with.."

"What about them?"

"Well sero asked me to go with him and after midoryia explained that he meant as a date i agreed.. and now dad wont let me go.."

"wait... your dads homophobic?.."

the young boy just nodded.

Hawks was filled with confusion. "Ill talk to him for you" hawks burst into endeavours office. "Your seriouslt upset that your son is dating a guy when youve had me bent over your desk multiple times!?"

"Family business doesnt concern you hawks. Learn your place."

"You cant be homophobic and literally be fucking a guy!"

"Hawks. Learn your fucking place. Dont make me put you in it" he then looked up at the winged hero "its been awhile.."

he was right.. it had. Since hawks started dating Dabi he didnt sleep around anymore. But of course he couldnt tell endevour that he dating a villain, it would destory everythinf. He couldnt let endevour know he works for the commission or was working with the league and definitely not that he was fucking his long lost son.

Burn In Hell - DabiXHawksWhere stories live. Discover now