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Everything was perfect. The birds head was completely empty as the only thing in his mind was dabi. Taking a deep breathe in and gently exhaling he rested his head back onto the villains bare chest. Dabi leant forwards slightly kissing the top of the hero head before bringing the cigarette back to his lips and taking a drag. Quickly resting his arm on the edge of the bath dabi released the smoke he was holding and kissed hawks neck leaving small little marks. Hawks practically purred at the touch. he was never really a bath person due to his feathers, he preferred a quick shower where he could shake them off, but a bath with dabi was nothing short of perfect, even if that meant leaving his feathers in a pile in the corner of the bathroom so that he could actually fit in the bath. Hawks gently traced his finger along some of the staples on the other males thigh as he focused on the feeling of dabis lips on his neck.

"What you doing baby bird?" Dabi whispered lowly in the birds ear as he gently nibbled at his lobe.

"Nothing my love" he hummed in response.

Their perfect moment was soon ruined by a loud knock on the door.

"DABI! WHAT DID I TELL YOU ABOUT SMOKING IN THE BATHROOM!" Compresses voice echoed through the door.

Dabi sighed and dipped his cigarette into the bath water causing it to go out.

"There its out" he rolled his eyes.

"Thank you...um.. also.. how long are you going to be.. spinners gonna piss himself" compress said clearly trying not to laugh.

"I AM NOT!!" a defensive spinner chimed in which caused both dabi and hawks to let loose a small chuckle.

"Okay okay give me 5 minutes" dabi said and tapped on hawks shoulders indicating for him to get up.

The hero stood up and carefully stepped out of the bath summoning his feathers back into place and wrapping a towel around himself. Dabi also stepped out and wrapped the black towel around his waist not bothering to dry himself first so the water was dripping down his toned torso. This didnt go unnoticed by the hero who was trying to contain himself. Dabi opened the bathroom door letting hawks out first and soon following. Compress seemed shocked to see that they were both in there but just rolled his eyes. Spinner ran past

"Move!" He yelled as he ran into the bathroom and slammed the door shut.

Dabi chuckled to himself again before walking to his bedroom along with the bird.

A/N; nsfw warning

Once they entered the bedroom dabi didnt hesitate to quickly push hawks into the wall causing him to yelp which just made it easier for dabi to quickly shove his tongue into the others mouth. Although he was surprised hawks instantly melted into the kiss wrapping his arms around the villains neck as the kiss deepened. Gently wrapping his hands around the birds thighs he lifted him against the wall still where he then pressed his body as close as he could to the heros. Hawks let a soft moan escape his mouth into the others which only seemed to encourage him. Soon enough his neck was being attack as dabi made his way down to his collar bone nipping at the skin there. Hawks threw his head back closing his eyes enjoying the touch of his man. Thats right..dabi was his. After placing a kiss on each of the dark marks that the villain had left he lifted hawks carrying him over to the bed and laying him down. hawks was practically squirming under the others touch

"p-please dont waste time" hawks begged.

Seeing his bird this needy and venerable did something to dabi. It realised his animalistic instincts to tear apart his Bird but also protect him as all costs. He pulled the birds towel off throwing it to the Side and moving down to start placing gentle kisses and licks on the others inner thighs. Hawks tangled his fingers into the villains hair as he trailed the kisses further up. Leaning up and taking his own towel off, dabi grabbed hawks wrists pinning them above his head with one hand and using the other to hold the hero hip as he carefully lined himself up. He looked into the gold orbs staring back at him as the hero gently nodded giving his consent. The villain immediately pushed in causing the blonde to arch his back throwing his head back onto the pillow. As he started to slowly thrust into the hero, dabi leant down kissing his jaw and softly lacing their fingers together.

Burn In Hell - DabiXHawksWhere stories live. Discover now