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         CPR by cupcake started to echo throughout the room as a certain pair of gold eyes opened quickly scrambling to pick up his ringing phone.

 "Hello?" He said quietly. 

"Hey.. are we still going to the theme park today?" A sweet voice asked on the other end of the phone. 

They hadnt really spoken since hawks had a breakdown so things were a little awkward. 

"I dont feel up to it." He said and hung up. 

He softly placed the phone back onto the nightstand and rolled over to look up at the other man. He smiled softly at how soft the villain looked when he was asleep. Face pale and almost glowing, so at peace, no anger present. He was actually extremely handsome under the scary persona. Hawks placed a gentle kiss on the villains cheek and carefully got out of the bed making sure not to wake him up. Slipping on one of dabis shirts that he had ruined by making space for his wings he wondered off to the kitchen. 

Twice trudged into the kitchen rubbing his eyes and smiling at hawks "hey, you stayed over again?"

 Hawks nodded as he cooked "yup"

 "youve been staying over a lot?too often!" He smirked. 

"Why dont you just admit that this is way more than just sex, i know your one true love left you.. but maybe its finally time to move on... and maybe dabi-kun is the person to do it with" 

hawks stopped what he was doing and looked over at the other blonde "you really think im ready to move on?". 

Twice nodded and went to talk but suddenly compress entered the room so he stayed quiet. He decided not to share private information about the heros personal life with the rest of the league.  The hero continued cooking as each villain started to enter the main room all having just woken up. Toga placed herself next to twice as she showed him videos on her phone. Spinner sat as far away as possible from the hero still holding a grudge. Compress read the paper at the end on the island and shaggy just stared into space as he sipped his coffee. if Hawks had learnt anything it was that shaggy was anything but a morning person. A pair of arms wrapped themselves around the birds waist making him jump a little. 

Feeling a soft kiss pressed against his jaw he smiled a little "morning" he practically sang. 

"Morning" the other said huskily clearly just woken up. 

Twice and toga watched the duo and smirked at each other with a knowing glance. they had been gossiping about the duo getting together for awhile and they both wanted them to get together. They even had a ship name, behind their backs they called them 'hot wings' although Dabi would kill them if he found out. 

 "You look like shit" hawks laughed looking at the other. 

"And you look like a chicken your point is?" Dabi snapped back smirking a little 

"wow the burnt marshmallow has a come back" hawks laughed until he realised what he'd said. 

He'd just called dabi a marshmallow... that was what he called touya. Guilt ran through him. Was he really replacing touya?.. dabi noticed the change in the birds face and aura and gripped hawks hips 

"hey you okay?.."he asked with his voice laced with concern. 

 the bird snapped out of his thoughts and gave the villain a small smile "yeah... um breakfasts almost done"

 "great" dabi kissed his forehead and then went to sit by compress. 

 Hawks could not cook to save his life but he could make scrambled egg which was always amazing. The bird hadnt cooked for the League yet so he decided to stick with what he knew.. eggs. after all, the quickest way to get people to trust you is by not poising there food right? he thought to himself. He wasnt really sure what they all ate since he was never around when they ate, he was always in meetings for having dinner with the pros.  He served each villain a plate with toast and scrambled eggs garnished with a small leaf of basil. 

Burn In Hell - DabiXHawksWhere stories live. Discover now