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"So is everyone clear on the plan?" Shigaraki asked.

 Everyone nodded and got up to leave. 

"Dabi a word" dabi sighed and waited for everyone else to leave. 

Hawks looked at him with a worried look but dabi sent him a reassuring smile as he left the room. 

"Whats up handyman?"

 "I need you to help keep an eye on the league whilst im gone" 

"i thought you were leaving compress in charge" dabi raised an eyebrow confused. 

 "i am... and i trust him leadership skills but hes not the best at protecting, i need you here"

 dabi sighed and nodded "yeah sure". 

He walked out the room feeling a little guilty for leaving as with hawks as soon as shiggys left for the mountains. They had 4 months to leave and run far enough to not be found, there was a secret safe in the hideout that only kurogiri and shiggy had access to but now so did compress, they were going to steal the money and run. But did the league really need him that bad?

 He walked into the main room and saw twice and hawks playing video games, he genuinely loved how close they were. He went to the kitchen grabbing himself a red bull out of the fridge and just watching the scene in fromt of him. Spinner was on the beanbag with his headphoones on gently tapping his foot to the music. Twice yelling at the screen and his boyfriend... whos eyes were lit up as he laughed. He was so beautiful. He looked around and noticed toga wasnt there. As if on cue she ran into the room holding a carboard box 

"whats in the box toga?..." 

"nothing..."she looked at dabi with a guilty look. 

"Open it." Dabi said sternly as she slowly lifted the box lid revealing a dead bird covered in blood. "Jeez Himi, take it outside" dabi rubbed his forehead as she skipped outside.

 Hawks looked over his shoulder watching the villain and he couldn't help but let out a small smile as he admired the other. He really was so fucking hot. Suddenly a high pitched scream came from outside and dabi shot out the room as the others all scrambled to their feet following. Toga was sat on the floor crying with blood running down her knee. 

"I-i fell" she sobbed. 

"Hey.. its okay.." dabi ran to her and crouched in front of her gently pushing the blonde strands behind her ear "its okay, its just a scrape, lets get you inside and cleaned up okay?" 

She nodded wiping her eyes. 

Gently he scooped her up into his arms and went inside sitting her on the kitchen counter. 

"Twice can you can the first aid kit" 

"no watch her suffer. Yes of course!" He ran to get it. 

Hawks just watched as the scene played out in front of him. 

"Hey its okay, i promise its not that bad" dabi softly stroked togas hair calming her instantly. 

Twice soon returned passing the green box to the burnt villain. Applying the alcohol he softly rubbed it into her wound as she hissed. 

"I know himi but its almost done" he reassured her and put a plaster over togas knee and  then helping her off of the counter "see, its all better" 

"thank you dabs" she wiped her eyes again.

 "Want me to redo your hair?" She nodded. 

He brushed back her hair with his fingers and carefully put it into two bunches the way she usually has it.

Burn In Hell - DabiXHawksWhere stories live. Discover now