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As he wondered down the street he couldn't help but wonder what dabi was up to at this current time and wondered if the villain was thinking about him at all. Pulling out his phone he clicked on the first contact. "Hey wanna go for lunch or something?" Hawks said sounding rather distressed.

"Hey nugget! Sounds good! The usual cafe in 20 minutes" she giggled and hung up.

Once arriving he immediately spotted the rabbit ears and sat down at her table "hey carrots"

"Hey you sound pissed off" she rested her head in her hand. "Whats going on?"

"Just the league being assholes" he rub bed his temples.

"Why are you even trying to be friends with them hawks? You're there to betray them why do you need every single one to like you when the important ones already do" she sighed.

"Because their dabis family I want them to like me and besides I-"

"Dabis family!? Thats your reasoning!?"she clearly got agitated.

"Rumi pleas-"

"No hawks! Youre dating a fucking villain as if nothing bad is going to come of it. They are going to kill you as soon as they get the chance. One minute your going to be kissing him and the next bam! Your dead! you need to get away before its too late" she held his hands "please hawks..."

The blonde quickly pulled his hands away "no.. hes not like that okay, what we have is real... he loves me and I love him-"

"Is he going to still love you when you betray them?"she raised an eyebrow at him.

He hated that she kept butting in but this time she made sense. He sighed and stood up

"I cant deal with this right now"

"Hawks..." she said softly with a sympathetic look.

"Im sorry" he quickly ran out the building and took to the sky.

Three damn weeks dabi had been gone. They had had no contact and the league were treating him like shit. He just wanted once lunch but no he couldn't even get that. He was becoming more and more agitated and honestly he knew why. The guilt was eating him up. He had been lying and deceiving the league. Twice trusted him with his life... he cared for toga so much.. and dabi. Oh his dabi. he would watch romantic movies growing up never believing that any of it was real but oh god it was. He missed him like crazy and the next time they see each other will probably be when theyre about to kill each other. Compress had explained how they weren't going to be back until the war had started. Little did he know that the last time he kissed him, would actually be the last time ever.

Soon landing and walking through the streets he bumped into someone.


Great. Hawks thought to himself.

"Hey endevour" he smiled slightly and looked up at the large flame hero. "Hows things?" He asked as he started to walk beside the elder.

"Im good. Rei is home from the hospital she's back home which the kids are enjoying" endevour said as they walked.

"Oh this great! So she's doing better then?" Hawks perked up knowing that she better as th flame hero nodded.

"Why dont you join us for dinner tonight?"

"Oh are you sure it wouldn't be a bother" hawks said nervously associating the house of Todoroki with bad memories.

"Oh not at all, shoot cant come home for dinner tonight he has to study with some friends so we have an extra place setting"

Burn In Hell - DabiXHawksWhere stories live. Discover now