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       "Any questions? No? Good. Dismissed." The principles voice echoed through the large white meeting room. "Hawks. Stay behind please.".

 Hawks let out a sigh remaining in his seat and watching all the others leave the conference room. Each important member of the commission was in that meeting all  in their suits and briefcase's. Sat up in their chairs and listening in on the principal and offering their advice or comments when called upon. Meanwhile hawks would be sat back, man spreading in his chair, usually nibbling on the end of a pencil, in full hero costume, reciting the urge to spin himself round in the chair which he sometimes ended up doing anyway despite the scold he would then get . 

"Whats up buttercup?" He asked once the room was empty. 

"You've been working with the league for two months now, i need an update". 

The principal was around middle aged and she was only 5"6 but boy was she scary when she wanted to be. Ash blonde hair slicked back and expensive jewellery hanging over her chest. a look that Hawks swears could actually kill. 

"Well, im still not allowed in meetings yet... but ive managed to hide feathers in each room. They're planning a full war, shigarakis goal seems to be to take down all might which seems like something we can use to our advantage, he'll be so focused on all might we may have a chance when they start that war" he said casually as if there wasnt a war about to break out.

 "Great. Dismissed" she said as hawks pushed himself off of the spinny chair and out the room. 

He took the elevator softly humming along to the tune that it played as he went to the ground floor. After hearing the ping he strutted out onto the streets pushing his yellow tinted sunglasses onto his face. Shoving his hands into his pockets he took a stroll down the street when he suddenly spotted his favourite person to annoy (although spinner came pretty close) 

"oh endeavourrr" he sang skipping over to the hero. 

"Hawks.." endeavour sighed spotting the bird. 

"Hey man where you going?"

 "Im on my way back from the station, we had our 6th burnt body in two weeks.." he sighed the flames on his face increasing a little showing he was clearly annoyed. 

Hawks just rolled his eyes he knew exactly who was doing that.

 "Well ill leave you to it" hawks put his fingers to his forehead as he took flight. 

Landing in front of the large metal doors hawks pulled it open and was instantly greeted by giggling and yelling. it was a different vibe than when you walk into the agency, everyone would be working away at offices stressed and yelling. the commission was dead silent all the time but the league... they were like a family which the hero couldn't help but be envious of.  Toga was sat on the beanbag holding the xbox controller rather aggressively and shoving the buttons down. Twice was sat on the floor in front of her laughing and chanting "go himi, go himi!" Spinner was in the corner with headphones on watching something on his phone peacfully, he never really joined in with the antics of the group, although he was the first to spot hawks just rolling his eyes. Compress was moving round the kitchen cooking something that as soon as it hit hawks nose he identified as chicken. Closing the door and walking further in hawks eyes caught the other two. Dabi sat crossed legged on the couch holding a controller and laughing as he stared at the TV. Laid with his head in the black haired villains lap was the leader also slapping buttons on a controller. 

"Im beating you toga!" He smirked. 

"Not for long! eat my red shell asshole!" she giggled.

 "FUCK YOU!" Shiggy yelled throwing the controller to the ground as the finish line sound rang through the room, Toga jumping up to do a celebratory dance. 

Burn In Hell - DabiXHawksWhere stories live. Discover now