first concert!

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After that day it was the same routine for a few weeks, they'd chat during science, skip a period to talk, and go to skullrock after school but today was one of Mike's concerts.

Will was so excited to go, after school he went straight home to find a good outfit to wear, he decided to wear blue jeans, cuffed and a white shirt tucked in,and some black converse that used to be Jonathans.

He got a ride from Jonathan to the place Mike's "concert" was held when he walked in, there were about twenty kids from school Wich i guess Is a reasonable amount.

Mike stood up at the sight of will in excitement, he was surprised he actually came will didn't seem like the kind to like loud noises or people, he had really bad social anxiety.

He waved at will admiring how handsome will had looked, though wearing a simple outfit mike thought he looked absolutely perfect. Will stood as close to the stage as possible without his ear drums bleeding.

Dustin wasn't here he had homework to do, but out of the corner of his eye he spotted Lucas and max, he walked up to them and greeted them "hey guys!"

Lucas was a bit startled at first, but when realizing it was will he smiled "hey man! Long time no see!" They both shared a hug and will looked back at max who was in a wheelchair.

"Hey max.." he said a bit gloomy, but max just smiled "hey will!" Will smiled and looked back at the stage where he saw mike smiling at them, "i wasn't expecting to see y'all here..?"

Lucas responded with "yeah well max likes music, so i guess we do like to come whenever we can!" Will nodded and watched the stage as they started to play.

They started playing 'pour some sugar on me' by def Leppard, will didn't know mike was into that kind of music he always seemed like the guy who listened to pop, but i guess he's changed.

Will was surprised by the amount of high schoolers that smoked, but to his surprise after enjoying that first song when the band members were taking a break, he happened to spot mike smoking.

Slightly disappointed at first, will realized that smoking kind of made him more attractive as much as he wanted to shake those thoughts away because smoking is bad for you, he couldn't help but admire everything mike did!

After a few moments of the bands break they began playing 'take on me' everyone's favorite 80s song! Mike stared will down,smiling at him this made will feel very flustered!

He was finally realizing how much he's falling for this guy, but who couldn't? He's in a band! Mike smiled at him from afar cigarette still in mouth.

Wow mike has amazing skill he's not even looking at the drums and still plays amazingly good

Will thought to himself, it was true though mike had his eyes all over will and still played perfectly.

After a long while of playing that song mike put out his cigarette and headed off stage towards will, "you actually came!" Will chuckled "yeah i did..i mean how could I not?" Mike was so focused on wills beautiful hazel eyes he forgot to respond.

After a few second mike went on to say "oh uh right- well thanks for coming! Would you like a ride home?" Will was actually excited to be driven home by mike wheeler so of course he said yes.

They walked out to Mike's car smiling at eachother the whole way, once in Mike's car in Wich he just got back after being grounded from his permit.

Mike smiled at will pulling out a cigarette pack from the gloves box, "i didn't know you smoked?" Will asked him with a grin on his face, he was doing it again trying to flirt!

"Yeah well apearantly i do" mike said in a bit of s gloomy tone, setting a cigarette into his mouth and lighting it, "your really good at drumming" will said, he couldn't rest his smile not when he was around mike.

"Thanks!" Mike was pulling out of the driveway "did you enjoy it?" will thought for a moment even though he didn't have to, not to answer that question.

"Yeah i did!" He responded after a moment of thought, "how come i don't see max and Lucas at lunch?" Mike tried not to draw his eyes onto will while driving, "oh they sit at a separate table to avoid Max getting in some sort of bullying situation!

Made sense to will, after a few moments of silence they were finally at wills house,"okay bye!" Will had said, mike accidentally kissed him on the cheek before saying "bye- oh shit! I'm sorry!" Wills heart fluttered into a million butterflies all trapped in his stomach.

"Force of habit!" Yeah force of habit from wills fucking sister you dickhead! Will didn't know what to say at first, but within a few second responded with "it's okay!" And rushed into the house as fast as possible.

His stomach absolutely flipped he just got kissed on the cheek by mike wheeler! He instantly went to his room and wrote everything about the way he felt into his old 7th grade journal.

He couldn't tell anyone about this, except for Dustin who was probably asleep, but he definitely planned on telling him the next day.

Since he was already out to dustin-

(This one was probably the most rushed lmfao)

a Beautiful Drummer; bylerWhere stories live. Discover now