• the date 🥤

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"hi hanna" "hi mason" "let's go shall we?" we began to walk to the car "i'm glad you kept the outfit a surprise han. it's definitely better this way"

i looked up at him and he was already looking at me. i looked at the ground and thanked him. he definitely knew i was blushing.

he stepped in front of me when we got to the car and he opened the door for me.

my heart skipped a beat. i looked up at him and smiled. he was blushing. he shut my door once i was in and he walked around the car and into the other side.

"hi hanna! it's so good to finally meet you. i've heard a lot about you within the last couple of years" his dad told me

"hi! it's good to finally meet you too! and yeah i bet" i laughed. his dad asked us where we were going and i looked at mason. "the art gallery" he told his dad.

"omg? you like art??" i looked at him with my eyebrows furrowed. "yes i do hanna. it's one of my favorite things" "mine too! i love going to the art gallery. it takes me somewhere i've never been"

this earned me a smile from mason. we made eye contact and he didn't look away from me until i broke it. this makes me want to die and then come back to see if it's still real.

he was so much cuter in person. i scanned his features. god. his nose. it's so cute. mason turned to face me and my eyes went big. he smiled "why were you staring at me hanna??"

"your nose. it's cute" i pointed up at it and scrunched my face up. he leaned his head on the back of the seat "your nose is cute too han."

after about 10 minutes we got to the art gallery and we both got out of the car and walked up to the place. " i'm really excited to be here" "me too han"

i was admiring the art that was in front of me and i looked over at mason and he was intensely looking at the painting a couple over from mine.

i walked over to him and put my arm on his back gently so he knew it was me

he looked at me, smiled and looked back at the painting. the art was beautiful.

"what does this picture mean to you?" i looked at him

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"what does this picture mean to you?" i looked at him. "i can connect to it. i never have privacy. there's always cameras watching me. i can never do something by myself you know? paparazzi is so bad now. there's people outside taking pictures of us right now"

i leaned my head against his arm in a supportive way. after a couple minutes he wrapped his other arm around his body and rubbed my arm. "i know how you feel mason. and yeah i saw them a couple minutes ago. it'll be posted online before we even get out of here"

we both laughed at my statement and walked around the art gallery for about an hour and then we left. "do you want to walk around for a little bit and then go across the street and get food" i agreed to his question and we walked out of the art gallery.

roman & julious- mason thamesWhere stories live. Discover now