• heart eyes 💓

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hanna, mason, and maddy arrived at set. they were the first people there. scott walked up to them. "hi guys! it is so nice to finally meet you, we are so excited to have you!" he greeted the 3 people in front of him. "im going to show you around the set so follow me!" he said cheerfully.

they all followed scott as he told them to. "okay so hanna, your trailer is right here, it has everything you need in there already." he smiled at her. "you can go check it out if you want to!" he opened the door and hanna stepped in.

"oh wow, this is great!" she looked around taking it all in. "im glad! if you want to you can stay in here and get cozy or you can follow along with us" scott smiled at the kids. "ill come with" she smiled.

"okay mason, your trailer is right here, and maddy yours is on the other side of hanna." scott put his hands out pointing at the trailers with his open hands.

scott opened the door to mason's trailer and they all walked in. "this is always so cool to me, it's like living on my own" mason chuckled. "oh i know, it's pretty great" scott laughed.

they walked out of mason's trailer and showed maddy hers. everyone was beyond happy, they all pretty much had the same reactions. the kids were excited to be here.

the trailers were cute, they had a radio on the wall when you first walked in, there was a bedroom on the right side of the trailer, it had a cool sliding door and there was a bathroom, and a kitchen. it also smelled like clean furniture and everything was just perfect.

"the other cast members should be getting here soon, you all have trailers next to eachother so you will see them a lot, and when everyone is here, we are going to do a cast meeting, the building is right over there across the street. we will come gather you all up when it's time but for the mean time, you can walk around or stay in your trailers. it's up to you!" scott told them.

they decided they wanted to look around set. they walked around and people greeted them here and there. they were about to walk back to the trailers, "MASON" tristan, jacob, miguel, and brady could be seen in the distance. "OH MY GOD" they all ran up to each other.

they took turns hugging every one and saying their hello's. jordan, banks, braxton, spencer, and brady came a little after.

all of the kids were already hitting it off super well! they were all talking until someone caught their attention. "hi scott, im sorry we're late, our flight got delayed."

everyone was watching, they couldn't make out the faces. they saw scott point over at them and the girls walked over. "hi guys! this is jacy and im nariah!" the cast gave them a warm smile and hanna scooted over so they could sit.

everyone introduced themselves. brady went first, he was a people person, so it was expected but maybe there was more to it. he was looking at jacy with heart eyes. "hi, i'm brady" he smiled big.

hanna rolled her eyes and leaned back watching. when it was miguel's turn, he stuttered a little bit talking to nariah, hanna noticed he was blushing.

she leaned over towards mason and whispered, "mase, did you see miguel blush" she chuckled. mason looked at her and whispered back, "yes i did. im going to tease him about it"

"miguel are you hot? you look a little red" hanna and mason were cheesing at him. "shut up, it is quite hot in here actually." he looked at us with his eyes wide. "okay anyways, who do you guys play?" hanna asked them.

jacy responded first. "i play stacy michelle, friend of leslie." "i play rebecca hem, also friend of leslie." nariah explained. they gave hanna a warm smile. "oh cool! i play leslie! i'm excited to work with you guys!" hanna gave them a wholesome smile.

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