• maybe it was a mistake

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hanna woke up pretty early. she was getting her shoes and jacket on. she texted mason to tell him shes awake. he didn't respond yet. she thought maybe he was still sleeping.

she walked over to his trailer and knocked a couple times. she opened the door and he wasn't there. she looked around confused.

she decided to go to the breakfast house. she furrowed her brows and looked around. she didn't see mason. he didn't even have a scene to shoot right now.

she walked into the breakfast house and she saw mason sitting down with everyone already, and it wasn't a big deal or anything but they had been going together since they started dating. he only went one day without her.

she didn't think much of it. she wiped the bad thoughts out of her head and walked over to him. he looked at her with a bland expression. he didn't even make eye contact with her.

she was beyond confused. what if he doesn't like me anymore? what if that's why he went without me today. no. i'm overreacting right?

hanna overthought a lot. she's been doing much better since she got together with mason though. he's helped her anxiety a lot. she was grateful for that.

she brushed off the feeling she was getting and sat down next to him. she saw his phone sitting next to him, face up. "i thought we were gonna come together today? i went to your trailer and you weren't there" she nervously laughed. "oh, i forgot" he said blandly.

"oh." was all hanna managed to get out. miguel raised his eyebrows and tilted his head down sending her a look of 'are you okay'. hanna nodded in response.

"um, im not too hungry right now. i'm gonna go back to my trailer" she forced a small smile. she felt a wave of heat go over her body. she wanted to cry but she didn't have a reason to.

hanna turned around and saw mason laughing with his friends. she felt horrible. she was probably imagining the whole thing anyways right? she looked at the ground and kicked rocks with her feet.

mason watched hanna. he felt bad. he wanted to tell her but he was scared. he didn't want to ruin anything between them and he didn't know how she would take it. would she be mad?

everyone got done eating and went to their trailers. tristan had to redo a scene. he was sitting in a chair off set waiting for his turn to film he was zoned out the floor.


"hey, so um" tristan jumped a little before turning his gaze to the person in front of him. his face softened when he saw who it was. "oh, i didn't mean to startle you" she let out a small laugh.

"oh no! you're okay i was just uh zoned out" he laughed. "well i got you this, your favorite. you even said so yourself. strawberry propel" she extended her arm towards him. she was holding the drink in her hand.

"oh! thank you matilda. you didn't have to do that" he smiled and hesitated before taking it out of her hand. "i wanted to" she smiled. she had this light around her, it made his heart melt. "well thank you" his smile even bigger- if that was possible.

as she walked away he watched her in awe. he looked at the water and let out a breath through his nose. he smiled and took a drink of the water. soon it was his turn to film. he couldn't believe that she remembered that was his favorite.


hanna walked over to the hangout house later that day. she knew they'd be there. she was trying to forget her feelings but mason was making that hard to do.

she smiled big at him. the corners of his mouth barely raised up. she sighed and sat down on the chair away from everyone. her leg was bouncing up and down as she picked at her fingernails.

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