• i didnt throw it 😅

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"woah slow down til" nariah told her friend on the phone. "let me ask scott okay? i'll call you back later. love you" nariah hung up the phone.

she looked out the window, biting her cheek worriedly. she thought for a moment then walked out the trailer to talk to scott.

"hi scott, can i talk to you for a second?" she asked. this got the attention of the other cast members. they were all sitting down in the food house eating breakfast.

hanna looked over at jacy with a confused look. jacy shrugged her shoulders and frowned. hanna looked away and stabbed her fork into the eggs on her plate.

"okay thank you so much" nariah said as she walked away from scott. she sat down with the rest of them. they gave her confused stares.

nariah had a look of realization. "my friend is coming here for a little while. something happened so can you all be nice?" she told them.

"yeah of course love" hanna smiled at the girl in front of her. "thank you. i appreciate it! and she's really sweet. i think you guys will love her." she smiled and opened her book.

hanna was kind of happy in all honesty, another girl around there would be nice. sometimes the boys can get to be very...odd. even mason.

the other day, hanna told mason that she liked his name and he responded with "thanks! i got it for my birthday" i mean- he isn't wrong. it was kind of funny but still. boys are dumb.

everyone was in the hangout house so nariah gave them more info.

"she's going to be here within the next 2 hours. she is extremely sweet. she is very very sarcastic but she doesn't have a bad bone in her." nariah went on about her friend.

"she seems cool already" maddy grinned at her. "im glad you think so love!" nariah smiled back. "okay well i should probably get the trailer ready for her so i'm going to go! thank you guys for listening!" she walked off.

everyone talked to each other about how excited they were to have another girl there- or the girls at least. the guys didn't seem to care much.

time skip

nariah walked up to the group of people in the hangout house. they were usually there when they weren't filming. a girl was seen beside her.

tristan practically drooled over the mystery girl. "ouuu tristannnn" hanna teased. "would you shut up" he looked at hanna with his eyes squinted.

they walked into the building and everyone got a better look at the girl beside nariah. she was beautiful.

she had her hair tied up into a bun with a bunch of necklaces on. she was wearing an oversized blue sweater with baggy denim jeans. tristan's mouth dropped open slightly.

hanna smiled and looked down. she shook her head and looked back up. tristan got up and went to go get water. he was avoiding conversation. he was pretty nervous.

the girl said hi to everyone and walked over to "get coffee" tristan turned towards her "hi, i um- i didn't catch your name" tristan looked at the girl next to him.

"well, it's because i didn't throw it" she giggled. "no i'm kidding. my names matilda. and yours?" "it's tristan" he slightly laughed from the joke before.

matilda grabbed some coffee and joined everyone in the other room. tristan walked with her. he sat down on the couch and she sat on the arm of it next to him.

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