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hanna didn't know what to feel. she had excitement and nervousness running through her whole body. "okay...that sounds really scary but go on" she said nervously.

"okay. i don't want this to ruin anything but i like you hanna. i really do. i don't want you to feel pressured into anything. i just wanted to tell you so that way you knew," while he was ranting to hanna, masons eyes went from her eyes to her lips over and over again. "seeing those ship edits just really brought things to life and-" hanna smiled at him before leaning in to shut him up.

their lips met and mason was shocked for a moment and then he kissed her back. he could taste the cookies on her lips from before.

her hands went up into the back of his hair grabbing it lightly causing him to smile into the kiss. his hands were on the side of her neck with his thumbs on her cheeks. the rings were cold against her skin. it made her shiver.

they pulled away. their chests rising up and down. their lips plump and red. they were slightly flushed. "i like you too mason" hanna smiled at him. "yeah i got that" he smirked.

"this was a very good practice for our kiss in the book" he tilted his head at her and laughed slightly while pulling her in for a hug. this hug felt different. not in a bad way. she didn't really know how to explain it.

"i think i can sleep now" all of hanna's worries went away as they walked into the living room to sleep. mason wrapped his arms around hanna and they both drifted off.

time skip to next morning

mason woke up before hanna but also after everyone else. he realized that hanna was snuggled into his chest with her arms wrapped around his stomach.

he smiled and layed back down for a little bit. memories of last night came flooding through his head causing him to blush. he looked down at hanna and admired her.

he pushed a strand of hair behind her ear and smiled. "are you staring at me mason" she said in a sleepy tone. "yes i am. not in a creepy way. i'm just admiring you is all" he put his hand on her face.

hanna sat up and looked at mason with a big smile across her face. "get a room" walker said annoyed. "shut up walker" hanna raised her top lip and looked at him annoyed.

everyone got up and ready for the day. "shay and maddy we can go to my room and change and the boys can go wherever" hanna offered.

shay and maddy followed hanna up to her room. hanna shut the door. "guys we kissed." hanna said grinning.

"YOU DID WHAT" shay smiled big. "i knew that was going to happen" maddy said in a i knew it sort of tone "i'm really happy for you. are you dating now?" she added.

"no we're not. i don't really know what's going to happen now but he told me he liked me and then one thing led to another" hanna was blushing.

"give it time. things will work out" shay grabbed her friends shoulder and lightly shook her. "okay okay let's get ready" the girls got dressed and came downstairs.

"you guys aren't ready yet?" hanna asked the boys confused. "um no we didn't we were talking" walker replied. hanna raised her eyebrow (🤨) "hm. okay"

"mason and maddy you guys are staying again so we can go to the airport together right?" hanna questioned.

"yes we are if that's still okay" maddy told her. "of course it is love!" mason blushed. "and mason, are you still going to?" hanna smirked at him. "yes i am" "okay then it's all settled. shay and walker you guys have to leave soon right?"

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