32 | "Planned for"

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-You can answer it, Hayley. If it is important.
He allowed me and I went at the back of the class where we leave our bags and searched for my phone while everyone was keep doing their own business. I see Nate breaking another measuring bowl and I couldn't not giving him a laugh.
My dad was calling my, so I called him back.

-Dad am in class..Did anything happened?

-I didn't know you came back home Hayley. Why didn't you tell me??

I checked behind to see if someone was listening to me but fortunately, no one.

-I forgot dad..

-What happened with Steve? He called me worried asking me to talk to you

-What did you say to him?? Dad! We had a fight with Steve. Just let me handle this by myself!!
I turned my head and noticed mr Jasper looking at me. He probably heard what I said!

-Are you sure you got it??

-Yes Dad. I will call you later.. okay?
I said and gave a strict look at mr Jasper and he pretended he was looking somewhere else.

-Okay.. I will wait for it......
I go back to my place.

-Nate!! Where are the other supplies???
Pesha asked him when I went back to my team of four.

-What again?
Nate complained.

-The Volumetric flask maybe??

-The what??  I brought everything

-Nate! That's not a Volumetric flask! Its a Florence flask!

-Whats the difference?? 

-Nate! Wake up! It says we need to use the volumetric flask, so we will. I don't know and I don't care about theirs difference.. I don't want to blow up, anyways!

-Relax guys, we are not making a bomb

-Hayley, can you bring it?
Pesha asks me and I go to the stock room out oc the class. When I get in, I found what I came for and I was just staring at the room. Why did I choose to come to school today?? I don't have the energy of anything. And all am thinking is Steve.
I choose to stay for few minutes here.. this place is the most quiet place in the school. I try to wipe my tears and pretend that I wasn't crying. Before reaching the door, I forgot the reason I came here. I turned back to take the flask and turned back to leave from the door crushing with someone. And that someone, was mr Jasper who was just getting in the stock room.

-Am sorry!
I said worried and looked at him.

-Don't worry.
He said noticing me that I was crying.

-Wait wait.. Don't leave..
He said while I was ready to leave.

-Why don't you take a break from today's class..?

-No. Am fine.

-You are not.

-Is it about your boyfriend..? Steve?
I stared at him because I know he heard me on the phone.

-Mr Jasper, it wasn't nice of you listening me talking to the phone.

-Am sorry about that. I just worried all this week you were gone. And we had that talk in the morning, I was scared if I told you something.. that I didn't have to say.. or made you feel uncomfortable..
I was looking at him and he was seem sorry and worried.

-No, you didn't tell me anything that made me feel unfortunately..
How could I say that he makes me feel? How could I say to him that the fact that he is a teacher, my teacher, makes me worry the most.
If the girls were right, and he may have interest in me.. it scares me out. Another thing that should scared me out is being here alone with him. But why I don't feel scared??

-Hayley..? Do you think you can pass this class?
He suddenly asks me. What I was saying about him being creepy?? Now is the moment he will ask something to do for him??? Am getting out of here. I take that back, now-I feel scared.

-What? What do you mean? Why not?

-Hayley, if you wanna pass this class.. you can't continue like this. Do you want to pass this class?
What now? What am supposed to say.

-Of course I want.

-You can do something about it.
Why the hell am I staying here. Now. Now its the time am leaving. I was looking at him questioning, but I could hear my heart beating fast.

-Just do what I said. Try get a break from todays class. Sometimes we need to rest. I can't see you in the class like this.. barely walking to the stock room.. letting the rest of your group do everything without you.

I wasn't expected that. He is actually nice with me.

-I don't wanna go home.
I admitted looking him in his eyes, so does he.


-Well.. then you could stay..
I heard him saying but everything was getting darker and darker. I started feeling dizzy and couldn't stand on my feet.

I heard him calling my name and he puts his hand around my waist to help me.

-Am.. am fine
I started saying after my view was finally clear.
I turned to look at him and its probably the most terrified look I have ever seen. I was so close to him that I could actually hear his heart beating fast.

-When did you eat Hayley?
He asked me calmly holding me close to him...

-I.. I don't know.. Yesterday.. Maybe
I said confused.

-Come on. Lets get you something to eat

-Again? Am fine now.

-Lets go
He says again and puts his hand around my waist to help me stand up.

-I can walk! Am fine!
I said to him and before we leave the room, Nate came in and saw us. Let me correct this one, he saw mr Jasper's hand around me.

-What are you doing here?
He said confused and full of anger.

-What are you doing to her??
Nate said angrily and came closer to us.

-Be careful, Nate. Hayley was feeling dizzy and I came to help her.

-Hm. Hayley?

-Am fine now.

-Now you are here, I think you should take her to eat something from the canteen.. She didn't eat anything.

-Hayley? Why are you doing this??
Nate asked worried.

-It's not something that I planned for, okay?
I know they care about me.. but having too many people in my life trying to help me.. it really gets me confused.. Like I have no idea how to handle this. I went outside and Nate followed me to the canteen. He kept me company while I was eating a tost...

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