Ch. 43

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The next morning. Knuckles had a small headache and groaned as she sat up. The red echidna got off the bed and walked to the bathroom slowly. She thought to herself, "It's been about five whole months since I was forcefully turned into a female. What can be more bad than that?" Thats when she heard the door opening she looked to see Sonic walking to her. Knuckles muttered, "Uhh~Good morning I guess." Sonic replied in a bit of a cold tone, "Yeah morning." Knuckles was hesitant before she asked, "H-how are you feeling?" Sonic said in the same tone as he entered the bathroom, "Ehh fine I guess. Look cut the talk alright? I haft to get ready for the morning execution that I haft to attend. After that I got to sword fight at the training ground. Sadly Scourge escaped so you better stay in here I don't want you hurt." Knuckles smiled and said, "Thanks for your concern Sonic but..." Sonic had a amazed look but he huffed and said, "Just don't mention it okay Knuckles?" Knuckles sighed and said with a frown, "It's Nakuru now..." Sonic then said with his arms crossed, "Yeah. Yeah. My father already told me about the name change back to your old one. But I'm still calling Knuckles. Nothing else." Thats Knuckles asked as Sonic was getting ready, "C-can we be friends again??" It was silent for minute in a half. That's when Sonic came in all ready and replied with a grouchy look, "Fine we will but it will not mean I'll be back to the Sonic you use to know." Knuckles looked sad before she said, "I was afraid you were going to say that." Sonic looked sad for a moment before his expression turn cold again and said, "Stop sucking up. I'm gonna be late." Sonic walked out as Knuckles thought, "He does care."


The royal execution at the royal courtyard was filled with the kingdoms people and the also the royal family is there. One of the royal executioners sharpened his ax. One out of two of the morbius servants 'who turned Knuckles into a girl' was the first to be forced down the block. The executioner raised his ax and chopped off his head. His body collapsed off the bloody block. The execution's assistant dragged the body away before the second morbius servant was next. Forced on the block. That's when Queen Sonia said, "Your crimes against the kingdom of Mobius will not go unpunished! Off with his head!" The executioner replied, "Yes your majesty!!" Thats when the executioner raised his ax once again and chopped his head off. Sonic felt a satisfied feeling but not showing it on the outside. Queen Sonia then announced, "THE ROYAL EXECUTION HAS BEEN SUCCESSFUL!! BUT BEFORE EVERYONE LEAVES I HAVE AN ANNOUNCEMENT!" Everyone chatted a bit but went silent as Queen Sonia shouted, "I AM ENGAGED TO ANOTHER MAN IN ANOTHER KINGDOM SO IT MEANS MY YOUNGER BROTHER SONIC WILL BE TAKING OVER THE KINGDOM WITHIN A FEW MONTHS AFTER MY ENGAGEMENT!!" Everyone is amazed before a round of applause was heard although Sonic doesn't seem surprised about it. Once everyone was leaving Sonic went to the training ground to sword fight. The blue hedgehog thought to himself, "Wonder if one of the guards will spar with me today."

<a short while later>

Knuckles was walking to the training ground and saw Sonic sword fighting on a practice dummy. Knuckles watched from a far before Jules asked behind her, "Aren't you gonna spar with him?" Knuckles turned to him and said uneasily, "I-I don't know. I don't have much strength in me." Jules chuckled and said, "Well you may not know that. But you can still lift some things. Even so you still need to defend yourself somehow. Maybe Sonic can give you some pointers." Knuckles hesitated. Jules had a point of Knuckles had to fight again the least she could do is learn to fight with a sword. She then turn to him and said, "I'll try."  Jules then said, "Good then pick out a sword over there near the practice dummies. Just go easy on yourself. Your still healing from Scourge's torment." Knuckles nodded at him before she picked out the rapier sword. She then walked to Sonic and asked, "Care if I spar you?" Sonic looked at her and said coldly, "Yeah I care. Your suppose to be in your room." Jules then shouted at the entrance, "Son. Nakuru needs some exorcise. She can't be in the room forever. She has to learn to defend herself somehow but go easy on her please. She's still healing." Sonic sighed and said calmly, "Yes Father." Then Sonic turn to Knuckles and said in a tough tone, "Fine. But I ain't fond with sparring with women even though you are one now." Knuckles smirked and said, "Aww ain't that sweet?" Sonic huffed and said, "Let's get this over with." Both Knuckles and Sonic went into their sword position.

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