Ch. 46

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During the shower and Knuckles staying in the bath, the two chatted a bit while catching up with things that they missed. Sonic was not phased and said coldly, "So let me get this straight. During your 'search' for me you went psycho on the lightning bolts cause they somehow found out I am the prince, then you went to Gogova village only to find that they're cursed due to me being royal blood?" Knuckles replied to him, "Pretty much. They panicked when they found out your Jules son but they were filled with more bad luck since you left. I'm only interested in the fact that it didn't happen until you left." Sonic scoffed and said, "Being cursed all cause they guilt trip a member of the royal family. Me a prince cursed a guilt-tripping village. I find that hard to believe." Knuckles replied as she let the water in the tub drained, "Try telling that to the witch who cursed them. They said they have been cursed about 150 years ago." Sonic said with a uncaring tone as he rinsed his spikes, "Oh that's too bad." Once all the water was drained from the tub, Knuckles got out of the tub 'covered in bubbles' and entered the shower. As a result Sonic took one look at her and freaked out with a blush covering his entire muzzle. Knuckles said with sympathy, "Sorry I was getting lonely in the bath." Sonic looked away and in a cold tone he said, "J-Just don't get any ideas!" Knuckles nodded before she closed the shower door. Sonic sighed deeply. Knuckles then said sadly, "I-I also have something else to tell you." Sonic deeply sighed and said with his arms crossed, "What?" Knuckles shook nervously and said, "I-I got banished from the village forever!" Sonics eyes widened in shock and asked, "What happened..?" Knuckles sighed and said in tears, "I-I went psycho on Charlie and Mark The Taper. Because I was worried and scared that they have you and tormenting you. I didn't know where you been. I found out about the fake death and I..." Sonic looked at her and asked a little bit of a cold tone, "Why didn't you tell me?" Knuckles sniffed and said, "You wouldn't believe me if I did. I was so focused on Shadow and the negatives about you I..I didn't even consider your feelings or anything." The cobalt hedgehog turns to her with a little shock but also cold expression. The scar on Sonic shoulder was in Knuckles sight. She couldn't hold back the tears anymore as she said to Sonic, "I-I'm sorry. It was all my fault. I shoulda saved you instead of leaving you to die. I was so self-centered and so focused on Shadow. That I was so.. I was so..." She trailed off and broke down crying in shame as Sonic sighed deeply and stressfully. Knuckles leaned on the shower wall and ended sitting on the floor. Sonic sat next to her and said in a cold tone, "Your falling apart. Geez. The guilt really has gotten to you Knuckles." She looked at him in tears as she sniffed. Sonic thought as he looked away with his cold expression, "She's really cute when she's vulnerable like that. Ugh what am I doing? She is just doing this for attentions! she...she's feeling really bad for all the things she did in the past back when Knuckles was a guy." Sonic sighed and said with his usual cold tone, "Its all in the past Knuckles. Don't be such a baby. It won't do any good dwelling in the past you know." Knuckles sniffed and said, "Sonic I..." Sonic cut her off with one gentle touch on her face and said with a cold tone, "Stop apologizing. I...I forgive you. But we're just gonna be friends." Knuckles smiled a little but also cling to Sonics arm and said, "I'm really pathetic." Sonic immediately said in the usual cold tone, "After what you did at the training ground? That wasn't even pathetic." Knuckles blushed. Though she knew underneath that cold shell, he is still the caring but free spirited Sonic she once knew. But she doubt she could get him to come out. They stayed in the shower for a full minute until they both stood up and turned off the shower. Sonic grabbed both towels for him and Knuckles. Before both of them wrapped a towel around themselves and exited the bathroom. Knuckles smiled at Sonic but Sonic didn't smile back.

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