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I couldn't sleep all night my throat dry from sobbing, my eyes stinging after all the crying last night, it set in the fear, the reason I hated being buried alone I couldn't breathe, couldn't move, I wanted it to end but I wanted to stay strong even if I'm shivering even if I just want to die plus it's the fear of knowing what today is, what will happen today, I don't want to lose my virginity from him, I don't want to be used and abused like that but there is no way out.

I just jump in shock whimpering when I see the wood move as I see the dark sky but as much as I hate admitting it I have never wanted to see Xander more "Hello princess enjoyed your sleep" he chuckles just pulling me out as I just shake leaning against him.

"Oh cute your affection it, see it's not that hard to play the perfect pet role," he says just untying my hands as I see a body of a young boy on the ground a slave boy as he takes the gag off my mouth.

"What happened to him," I say softly fighting the urge to wrap my arms around him.

"Oh him, he annoyed me, called me sir, you don't annoy the pureblood hybrid, but you my dear I can just punish when you annoy me like forcing you to have to live with your biggest fear I want to know why being buried," he says smirking as Xander just throws the body in the hole, his a weird creature that's for sure.

"My brother buried me with a dead body once," I say, and all the time I was down there I kept picturing how, how at only 6 I was stuck with a dead body screaming to be let out, squealing even so hard I lost my voice, I guess my brother was just as bad as Xande.

"I saw that in your memories I didn't want to exploit one like that but I needed to teach you a lesson, you can keep testing me but the more you do, the more it will blow up in your face," he says.

I just nod his right the more I test him, the more he wins it's like a never-ending tug a war and I always fall face first in the concrete.

"Let's get you in side," he says just leading me back in as I just grip his hand a little bit cold.

Connor and Felix walk past just whispering something in Xander's ear "Yeah don't worry I got it" Xander chuckles as we make it back upstairs I just ruffle my eyebrows at him.

"Vampire business darling don't worry your pretty little head, go get changed then meet Mia in the pet room, take your time and loosen up a little bit you see, very stressed," he says

"Because I know what you will do today," I say softly.

"It will be fun don't stress it's not good for your mental health" he chuckles just stroking my hair as I just walk to the bathroom, I swear I heard the door open as I peek out noticing his gone but I just walk fully into the bathroom jumping in shock.

"Tarnee right," I say a little shocked she some how got into Xander's bathroom and the fact she had the guts to go into Xander's bathroom, the vampire who will follow the free game rule.

"Please help me," she says softly as I just step back.

"What are you doing here," I say this has to be a trap it has to be.

"My master is gone for a meeting, your master will too, please, you have to help, I know how to get out from this level," she says I just step back, even more, where is Xander when I need him.

"If you can get out of his room by yourself, why can't you just get out of this Ouse on your own" I mumble

"You are a hunter right, you would know how to survive out there I can't but you can't get out of here without my help, please, they are all in a meeting this could be our only chance," she says.

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