Chapter 1

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"I'm begging y-you.... please don't involve my son in this." The woman cried but the man standing before her was a pure devil.

"Shut up! I regret marrying you!" The man shouted and grabbed the woman's hairs while dragging her downstairs . She cried in pain and horror.

"No...n-no pl-pplease.... st--sto--stop--" the woman cried but couldn't complete her sentence when she saw her 14 year old son standing in front of her.

"Eomma...." The  boy cried looking at the situation of his mother.

"Hyungshik? Hand my son the gun." The man said making the woman's eyes wide and the boy was confused.

"LEAVE HIM OUT FROM THIS,DANIEL!" The woman shouted but her husband, Daniel kicked her.

"Don't you dare to raise your voice in front of me, Kim Binna." Daniel said to the woman named Kim Binna.

"Appa! Wh--why are you hitting eomma? Sh...she is in pain..." The 14 year old boy cried trying to reach  his mother.

"Why are you crying like a weakling, Taehyung? Be strong and stop crying!" Daniel shouted making Taehyung sob more loudly.

"Hold the gun." Daniel ordered to fourteen year old Taehyung who obeyed with shaky hands.

Taehyung hated how weak he was acting at the moment. He could've fought back.

"Shoot your mother." Daniel said making Taehyung's eyes wide in shock and he quickly threw the gun at the ground and ran towards Binna to hug her tightly.

"!!" Taehyung sobbed loudly as he hugged Binna tightly. Binna too hugged her son tightly while crying silently.

"Fucking useless bitch!" Daniel cursed and harshly separated Taehyung from Binna.



Everything went silent. Taehyung saw the blood coming out from his mother's chest.

"EOMMA!" Taehyung let out a heart tearing scream and ran towards his mother who was crying in pain.

"Eomma..eomma no...." The little boy cried but Binna just gently caressed her son's head.

"I....I love yo-you't be like yo-your father...... please....---" her hands fell on the other side and she laid there with her eyes wide open starring at nothing.

"Eomma....eomma!!" Taehyung cried and tried to shook Binna's body but she was dead already.

"Stop crying over a piece of dirt. You'll have your new mother soon." Daniel said and left the crying boy behind.

Hyungshik crouched down and put his hand over Taehyung's shoulder who quickly hugged him.

"I'm so sorry.....sorry." Hyungshik muttered, feeling bad for the little boy. His eyes fell over Binna's dead body and tears gathered in his eyes.

Binna was like a sister figure to him and now seeing her dead hurt him a lot but now he had a responsibility..... responsibility of taking care of the little boy crying in his arms.


A month passed  and Taehyung was sitting in the garden when---

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