Chapter 25

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Jungkook put the antiseptic over Taehyung's lips; Taehyung hissed at the burning sensation.

"Shh...stay still ,candy." Jungkook said, treating Taehyung's wound.

"Stop calling me that." Taehyung groaned,eyes shut.

"Calling what? Candy?" Jungkook raised his eyebrow and Taehyung hummed.

"No. It suits you." Jungkook said winking at Taehyung. Taehyung felt his heart flutter for a second but soon cleared his throat and shooed away whatever he was feeling.

"Where you went? Few days and you returned like this?" Taehyung spoke but soon felt a light slap over his lips.

"Don't talk too much. I'm treating your wounds." Jungkook said and now Taehyung couldn't digest this new Jungkook anymore.

"And it weren't just few days. I was away from for 3 weeks 5 days and 7 hours,if I remember correctly." Jungkook said.

"Show me your hand---ouch. This looks painful for a softie like you." Jungkook said taking a look over Taehyung's bruised arm.

"You don't have bipolar disorder. You fucking have split personality disorder....." Taehyung spat making Jungkook raise his eyebrow.

"What do you mean, candy?" Jungkook asked, focused on Taehyung's bruised arm.

"Ok fuck,stop calling me that!" Taehyung said, jerking his hand a little back only to Jungkook grab it again and hold it tightly this time.

"And yea, just look at yourself in the starting chapters and now look you. Who would believe that it's the same you?" Taehyung said, breaking the fourth wall which I (author) didn't like actually.

"Can say the same about you." Jungkook muttered.

"Jungkook....if you think that I'll give in if you behave like this then stop please. It's not helping." Taehyung said, freeing his hands from Jungkook's hold as the treatment was done.

"Been a day only. I'm not a Kim....I'm a Jeon and my dad told me to follow my dreams." Jungkook said.

"Then follow your dreams instead of follow me." Taehyung grumbled.

"Too bad---" Jungkook paused, standing up with the first aid kit and putting it on the corner of the bed before leaning towards Taehyung who backed away a little.

"---you are my dream,candy." Jungkook completed with a smirk at which Taehyung rolled his eyes with a heavy sigh.

"On fours!" Jungkook chirped out.

"What the fuck!?"

"I mean lay on the stomach. That bitch kicked your back pretty hard." Jungkook smirked when he saw Taehyung gulping.

"I can do that myself." Taehyung said.

"Ah... didn't know that God gave you two extra eyes on your back." Jungkook said in pure consolation.

Taehyung didn't argue much and took off his shirt after hundreds of self inner fight. He then lied on the bed,back facing the roof.

"It has turned blue." Jungkook whispered, eyeing Taehyung's perfect s shape figure.

After few minutes when Jungkook was all done, Taehyung wore his tshirt back.

"Got a nice figure,hyung." Jungkook said and Taehyung had enough.

"Look Jungkook. If you think this is gonna woo me then you're wrong because this is making me hella uncomfortable!" Taehyung said changing Jungkook's expression back to that cold ones.

"Your this sudden change is creeping me out, Jungkook..." Taehyung spoke,voice holding genuine fear.

"Look at our relation and age at least." Taehyung complained.

"Last time I checked,you were not sharing a single strand of DNA with me. Talking about age? I don't care." Jungkook said,voice emotionless.

"You're 24 only..... don't ruin your future. I'm already--" Jungkook cut off Taehyung in middle.

"You're 31,so? You don't look like and talking about my future? It was ruined the day I stepped in this family." Jungkook spat,not able to bear it anymore.

"And yea,one more thing." Jungkook said, walking towards the door.

"I don't care if this new version of me creeps you out because I'm only like this for you. Feel pretty special--" Jungkook paused, twisting the door knob and opening the door.

"---candy." Jungkook completed with a satisfied smirk before finally leaving the room.

"Urghh....why don't he understand that chasing after me won't give him anything better?" Taehyung mumbled, massaging his temples.


"Jimin,I think I've found my dad." Jungkook said making Jimin's eyes go widen.

"How? When? Where?" Jimin showered Jungkook with questions.

"Are you sure that it's confirm this time? Last time you were tricked like an idiot--" Jimin stopped when he felt Jungkook's glare over him.

"I'm sorry,boss." Jimin quickly apologized and bowed.

"Park, don't run your mouth this much in front of me. You know I don't like it abd my hands itch to press the trigger of my pistol." Jungkook threatened in a deep dark voice.

"Yes, Boss. I apologize." Jimjn once again bowed.

"Once I find my father.....I'll fucking finish this whole mafia of Daniel's ,him and everything related to him." Jungkook gritted his teeth.


"My sweet sister,I can't wait anymore. Knowing that he's going to get married to that Charlie soon,I'm loosing my cool." Minjun, Aecha's brother said.

"Just wait for the right time, brother. Daniel is going to name his 50% of property to Taehyung before the marriage. Wait for the right moment..." Aecha said.

"What if he gets married with that Charlie guy for real?" Minjun asked.

"Abducting him isn't a big deal, besides I've already manipulated the papers. Daniel is dumb to recheck them." Aecha smirked.

"You already are a big partner of Kim mafia and once you'll have that 50%, you'll rule over the Kim mafia." Aecha creepily smiled.

"You'll have both. The mafia as well as that Taehyung as your trophy." Aecha laughed making Minjun grin too,eyes full of desperation and lust.

"Just make it happen fast." Minjun said while licking his lips at which Aecha nodded.

"Just two more weeks, brother." Aecha whispered.


Hola lovelies 😘 😘 😘

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter 🌚 💅🏻

Oops, Aecha and her ill intentions.

Byeeeeeeeeeee ~~~

Love y'all

Boragays 💜 💜 💜 💜 💜 💜 💜

Don't give up because you matter ❤️

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