Chapter 36

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Jungkook snuggled closer to Taehyung as Taehyung lied between his arms. Both were sleeping peacefully,not caring about the world but their sleep soon was disturbed by someone.

"What the fuck!" Wonwoo screamed at the top of his lungs and quickly covered his mouth, apologizing to few of the patients and nurses who gave him an offensive and concerned look.

Wonwoo quickly stepped inside the room, locking it behind and now looking at both awaken creatures in front of him.

Wonwoo's eyes travelled all along the hickies and that's when he eyes grew large.

"Don't tell me you fucking had sex in my hospital and in one of my favourite room..." Wonwoo said amd both Jungkook and Taehyung looked at each like they know nothing.

"You guys even stained the sheets! What the hell you guys were thinking before having sex in a hospital!? " Wonwoo shouted in frustration.

"Speak something!" Wonwoo said.

"'s was a moment of heat and...." Taehyung tried to sound reasonable.

Meanwhile Jungkook just clasped his lips and got off from the bed, totally forgetting about his naked self.

"I didn't need to see that." Wonwoo said and Jungkook quickly covered himself when Taehyung threw the bedsheet over him.

Well Taehyung was well dressed as Jungkook had made him wear clothes last night.

"You see....we are really sorry, doctor. I promise we won't do anything like this from now on in your hospital. We'll love to pay for your trauma." Taehyung spoke leaving Wonwoo stunned.

"Well you won't be in this hospital from today on. You're healed and you can go back to home." Wonwoo informed them and Jungkook put on his pants.

Taehyung side eyes Jungkook and drooled at the sight. Arm full of tattoos,well defined muscles and abs and overall,a very turning on figure.

"What about the hospital bills?" Jungkook asked.

"You're Mingyu's best friend so I don't charge." Wonwoo said and Jungkook was thankful to him.

Wonwoo opened the door and that's when he saw a nurse standing there.

"Doctor Jeon,a girl is claiming to have her arm broken because she fell for you... she's creating a scene." The nurse informed.

"What the actual fuck! I'm tired of these stupid people." Wonwoo cursed and left in hurry from there.

The nurse eyed Jungkook but he snarled at her in return. She quickly apologized and left.

"Are you feeling better?" Jungkook asked and didn't think that Taehyung would be this much bold after whatever they did.

"I'm better than anything else....but what I'm worried about right now is Daniel." Taehyung mumbled and Jungkook slipped down tshirt on his upper body while humming.

"No need to worry about that piece of shit. I'll handle him." Jungkook said, leaning towards Taehyung.

"Jungkook.....he still got a grasp on your father and you don't know where he has hid him. That orphanage.....those innocent kids....he can do worse." Taehyung shivered at the mere thought.

"You know why I care about that orphanage and those kids?" Jungkook said .

"I'm sorry if you ever told me and I forgot but I really don't know why...." Taehyung said, looking at Jungkook's eyes which were void of any emotions.

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