Chapter 24

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"that's so fucked up...." Mingyu sighed and patted his friend's back who was sitting there in pure silent.

Mingyu had treated Jungkook's hands and lips. Mingyu had to admit that he never even imagined that Jungkook will take such a big step and confess to Taehyung.

"You told me to confess,I did. Look where I'm now. He doesn't even want to see me." Jungkook chuckled.

"Kook,give him some time." Mingyu said.

"No, Gyu. He only sees me as his brother. Only a fucking brother." Jungkook cried.

"Jungkook! Pull yourself together! Your dad needs you! Those little kids need you!"Mingyu said, shaking Jungkook's body.

"I know but..... it's too much to handle! I....I liked him since the day I saw him in the garden. I was sure a little kid but he wooed me...." Jungkook confessed.

" bro." Mingyu hugged Jungkook tightly who hugged him back tighter.

"I think I've found your dad." Mingyu spoke,enough to break Jungkook from his current trance.


Taehyung was in shock. He couldn't believe that his Mafia step brother just confessed to him. The person who seemed like he could never love anymore,just confessed to Taehyung.

Taehyung's head was a mess. He just wanted to ignore Jungkook at all the cost. He just wanted to take his revenge on Daniel. He wouldn't let anyone make his mind a mess.

Days passed by and because of Taehyung's injury and Daniel's injury of course,the marriage date was extended.

Taehyung couldn't identify Daniel when he saw him. Nose broken and eye black. Taehyung couldn't believe Jungkook did that.

"Aren't you worried for Jungkook?" Jimin asked Taehyung who was practicing basic tactics of any fight.

"No." Taehyung simply replied.

"He loves you....will you let him go like this?" Jimin asked making Taehyung pause.

"I'm his brother for fuck's sake. He needs to understand that." Taehyung said.

"Step brother and that too not  biologically related. I'm not forcing you to like him back but if that's the only thing holding you back then you're dumb." Jimin said.

"Which thing?"

"That brother thing."

"Oh yeah? He was seven when I protected him until I left. I treated him like my brother for seven years back then too and I just can't see him otherwise." Taehyung said at which Jimin sighed.

"You left.....that's the problem. You left and he protected himself and you too even though you weren't here." Jimin said confusing Taehyung.

"Whatever,do whatever you want but one thing for sure. Jungkook doesn't like to loose. If you think he's gonna stop,then you're wrong." Jimin smirked before leaving.


More days passed and it surprised Taehyung that none was pressurising him about the marriage anymore.

But Taehyung missed Jungkook. Taehyung won't lie, he missed Jungkook. Even though Jungkook went so hard on him but he knew thar how much he cared for him.

Taehyung used to visit Jungkook's room and roam in there just to miss the latter more but he knew that Jungkook needed to get on his right mind.

Taehyung for now has fixed his meeting with Suho. He needed to tell Suho that he won't be an alliance with him anymore.

So here he was, in between the forest, meeting Suho all in secret.

"What a pleasant surprise, Taehyung." Suho soon showed up.

"So why this beauty called me all alone in the forest secretly? Did you fall in love with me while we were working together?" Suho joked at which Taehyung rolled his eyes.

"Let's end this alliance." Taehyung spoke, dropping the smirk off Suho's face and replacing it with a cold expression.

"What did you say?" Suho whispered, decreasing the distance between him and Taehyung.

"I said I'm not doing it anymore. I'm not giving you any information about Daniel or the family. " Taehyung said, looking directly in Suho's eyes.

"Pfftt....hahaha!" Suho took a step back and started laughing loudly, clutching on his stomach because of laughing too hard.

"Nice joke,nice one!" Suho said between his laughter while wiping the tear that formed in his eye.

"I'm not joking. We're done Suho and I need you to understand that. We don't share anything now!" Taehyung said and turned his heel to walk away but he was jerked back by Suho.

"You came to me and that was your wish but leaving? It will be my decision." Suho said but soon a punch landed on his face.

"Fuck off." Taehyung gritted his teeth and before punching Suho again and then kicking him right on the balls.

"I said I'm ending everything! Is it that hard for your pea brain to understand?" Taehyung grumbled.

"I was going easy on you, beautiful but you left me no choice." Suho said, getting up and laying a punch right over Taehyung's arm,his weak spot.

Taehyung stumbled at the impact and before Suho could lay another punch over his injury, Taehyung bended his body a little and punched on Suho's balls.

Suho groaned in pain, grabbing on his crotch and kneeling on the ground.

"Motherfucker..." Taehyung whispered before kicking off Suho's head. Suho fell on the ground with that impact.

Taehyung spit out the blood, he fixed himself and as he was going to walk away,a kick landed on his back making him fall on the ground. Taehyung groaned in pain.

Soon Taehyung felt himself getting showered with punches. Taehyung covered his face with his arms but soon he heard another scream which wasn't his.

Taehyung slowly opened his eyes and saw Jungkook kicking off Suho's unconscious body. Jungkook turned towards Taehyung, wiping the blood from his hands before extending it towards Taehyung.

"That was a nice fight,candy." Jungkook said with an smirk.

Taehyung's eyes widen at the new Jungkook. He was more daring and bold now. Taehyung remembered Jimin's words and now he understood what Jimin meant.


Hola lovelies 😘😘😘

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter 🌚💅🏻


Love y'all

Boragays 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

Don't give up because you matter ❤️

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