Chapter 39

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"Tae..." Jungkook mumbled but Taehyung just walked inside the room, wiping his tears. Jungkook followed him to room and shut the door behind.

"I-I... I'm sorry..." Taehyung sobbed and Jungkook felt helpless seeing him crying like that.

"Nothing is your fault were never at the fault." Jungkook said trying to reach out to Taehyung who just pushed him away.

"It is.... I..... I..... I'm so sorry." Taehyung cried as his shaking frame let itself to sunk down on the floor.

"But I hate you too..." Taehyung sobbed and now Jungkook felt a pang in his heart.

"I hate you for making me hate you....for fooling me into thinking that you never cared for me!" Taehyung said in broken voice.

"I hate you ....I blamed myself.... every day and every night....I blamed my-myself.....for turning you into a monster....I fucking blamed myself...." Taehyung cried, snaking his arms around his knees.

"I hate how you made me question myself when the problem was you along." Taehyung sobbed and Jungkook walked towards Taehyung's shaking figure with a heavy heart.

"I questioned myself.....I questioned myself that what I even did for you to hate me that much .....I kissed you....we kissed each other.....but I couldn't forget about those days...." Taehyung sniffled and Jungkook sat on his knees, infront of Taehyung.

"Tae....I'm so sorry....I know that what I did was wrong but you know that you've never accepted our relationship at that time and I myself didn't want you to put in a dilemma." Jungkook said and Taehyung looked at Jungkook,lips wobbling.

"I know I'm overreacting bu-but.... I-I can't let go of the hurts so much. When I remember tho-those eyes of yours ----they .....they had a lot of hatred towards m-me that it still makes me insecure -----i still feel insecure." Taehyung said between his broken sobs.

"Don't feel insecure.....I love you truly and it was just my dumb self which thought that hating would be the only way it won't hurt but I wrong." Jungkook said,a tear falling from his left eye.

Taehyung quickly hugged Jungkook tightly like he never would let go. His arms snaked around Jungkook's neck as Jungkook's arms rested over his waist, tightly.

"Kookie ....." Taehyung whispered near Jungkook's ear and that was the last string, Jungkook broke down. He broke down into painful sobs, hugging Taehyung tightly.

"I-I was so wrong..." Jungkook whispered, sobbing continuously. He was so wrong to think that. He missed Taehyung and he wanted him. He missed Taehyung calling him that.

"Kookie...." Taehyung sniffled and broke the hug but Jungkook just pulled him tightly,head resting over his shoulder as he cried in pain..... pain of everything he has been through till now.

"Shh.... I.... let's just forget about everything and start a new journey." Taehyung spoke kissing Jungkook's hairs but Jungkook just shooked his head.

"Kook...." Taehyung grabbed Jungkook's head ,his palms resting over Jungkook's cheeks.

"Be my boyfriend." Taehyung said and Jungkook's  teary  doe eyes widened. He sniffled and tried to process whatever Taehyung just said.

"Don't cry.....just be my boyfriend and tell everything to this boyfriend of yours before you take some stupid decisions by yourself." Taehyung said and Jungkook nodded quickly,eyes still shedding tears.

"Oh God...." Taehyung's voices shakes as he wiped Jungkook's tears.

"Look at my ba-baby kookie....y-you grew up a lot." Taehyung didn't know when he started crying as he pushed Jungkook's hairs back from his forehead.

Taehyung's soft palms resting over each side of Jungkook's face as his thumbs wiped all of those tears.

Taehyung then looked in Jungkook's eyes and saw everything he wanted to. The love Jungkook had for him was clear in his eyes.

Taehyung closed his eyes and leaned in and pecked Jungkook's lower lip Before claiming it and sucking on it.

Jungkook kissed back,eyes shut aa his hands trailed towards the sides of Taehyung.

"My knees hurt...." Taehyung whispered against Jungkook's lips.

Jungkook quickly stood up and picked up Taehyung in bridal style before gently putting him on the bed and hovering above him.

Jungkook kissed Taehyung passionately and Taehyung responded back with the same passion. Jungkook pushed his tongue inside Taehyung's mouth as his hand slipped inside Taehyung's shirt flickering his now hard nipples.

Taehyung moaned in the kiss and soon curled his fingers against the fabric Jungkook was wearing when Jungkook started to kiss his neck all down to his collarbones. Jungkook kissed and sucked all over Taehyung's neck and collarbones as his hand continued to abuse Taehyung's chest.

Taehyung's eyes glistened when Jungkook took off his shirt and threw it away. Taehyung's slender fingers ran through Jungkook's well defined chest and abs. Jungkook felt hot at the burning touch of Taehyung.

Jungkook then took off Taehyung's shirt too and he drooled at the sight. Jungkook hesitantly looked at Taehyung knowing how much insecure the latter was about his body. Taehyung gave him a reassuring nod and arched his back beautifully when Jungkook sucked on his chest. Arms sneaking around Taehyung's beautifully arched back.

Taehyung moaned in pure pleasure and soon his moaned were engulfed by a hot kiss.

They were surely going to give their everything to each other because they loved each other so much.


Hola lovelies 😘😘😘

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter 🌚💅🏻

Double update cuz why not💅🏻

Grab your hobi water and namjesus🌚


Love y'all

Boragays 💜💜💜💜

Don't give up because you matter ❤️

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