Chapter 37

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"He sent me a location of some warehouse." Jungkook mumbled

Taehyung looked at the screen and said "I'll go there with you"

"No can be a trap." Jungkook spoke

"You're also a trap for me....I don't care. I'm coming with you." Taehyung said and Jungkook couldn't help but to agree.

The old warehouse stood at the edge of town, its rusting steel and cracked concrete whispering secrets of a darker time. Jungkook stood in its cold shadows, his grip tightening around Taehyung's hand, their fingers intertwined in a silent vow of unity.

Daniel awaited them under a dim, flickering light. He was flanked by two henchmen, their silhouettes menacing against the backdrop of the warehouse's vast emptiness. The tension in the air was palpable, a deadly dance of power and threat.

"Jungkook," Daniel began, his voice dripping with malice, "you know the terms. Hand Taehyung over to Chen, or these guards die."

He gestured to a makeshift platform above a pit filled with burning flames, where twenty-five innocent guards, their faces etched with fear, were bound and gagged. Above them, a single rope held their fate.

Taehyung gasped when he saw the poor people crying, screaming and begging for help.

Jungkook's heart pounded as he looked from the guards to Taehyung, whose eyes mirrored his own anguish. The decision Daniel demanded was impossible, yet he had made his choice the moment they had stepped into this trap.

"Taehyung," Jungkook whispered, his voice steady despite the storm raging inside him, "I won't let anyone take you from me."

Taehyung whispered" can't let these poor lives's better to give one up instead of twenty five."

"I don't care about anyone and anything if it comes to you candy." Jungkook whispered back and Taehyung's grip tightened around Jungkook's hand.

Daniel's grin widened as he saw Jungkook's resolve. "So, you've made your choice then. Pity for the guards."

With a swift motion, Daniel's hand hovered over a lever. The mechanism was simple yet cruel: pull the lever, and the rope would snap, sending the guards plummeting to their fiery deaths. Jungkook could feel the seconds slipping away like sand through his fingers.

In a blur of motion, Jungkook drew his gun, the cold metal a comfort in his hand.

A psychotic smirk appeared in Jungkook's lips. He started laughing, walking towards Daniel and leaving Taehyung behind.

"You're so unbelievable, Daniel. I can't believe after this I'll still have to work under you." Jungkook said, sinister smirk neber leaving his lips.

"Choice is yours." Daniel smirked knowing very well the choice of Jungkook. He knew that Jungkook will never let those twenty five people die.

Jungkook's smirk replaced with a cold look. Eyes dark .

"No dares to take away from me what's mine. " he declared, his voice a sharp edge cutting through the tension. Without hesitation, he fired, not at Daniel, but at the lever.

The shot rang out, echoing through the cavernous space. The lever shattered, but the rope began to fray under the strain. The guards screamed, their voices merging into a chorus of terror.

Jungkook moved with deadly precision, shooting the henchmen before they could react. He then turned his weapon on the guards, each shot precise, ending their lives before the fire could claim them.

Taehyung's eyes widened at the scene. He couldn't believe what Jungkook just did.

Daniel's face contorted in fury and disbelief. He had never imagined Jungkook would kill the guards himself. This act of ruthless pragmatism left him momentarily powerless, his carefully constructed plan crumbling before his eyes.

He had banked on Jungkook's humanity, on his reluctance to take innocent lives. Now, that miscalculation left him standing stunned, fury boiling beneath his calm facade.

"You think you've won?" Daniel spat, his voice shaking with a mix of rage and shock. "Chen will come for you both, and this will be the end of your reign."

Jungkook stepped forward, his eyes cold and unyielding. "Let him come. I'll destroy anyone who threatens what's mine." He grabbed Taehyung's hand, pulling him close. "We stand together, always."

Daniel's fists clenched at his sides, impotent rage simmering as he watched them walk away. He had underestimated Jungkook's resolve, his willingness to sacrifice everything for Taehyung. This was a mistake that left him not just beaten, but humiliated.

With a final, defiant glare at Daniel, Jungkook and Taehyung turned and walked out of the warehouse. The flames behind them roared, consuming the remnants of Daniel's twisted game. As they stepped into the night, the stars above seemed to shine brighter, a silent testament to their unbreakable bond.

The world outside was a battlefield, but Jungkook knew they could face it as long as they were together. For Taehyung, he would walk through fire, shatter worlds, and bury his conscience if it meant keeping him safe. They were more than lovers; they were each other's salvation and damnation.

As they walked, the memories of the past few weeks flashed through their minds like scenes from a twisted film. Taehyung's injuries, the narrow escapes, and the countless threats had brought them to this point.

Jungkook pressed a kiss to Taehyung's temple, his voice a whisper in the dark. "Don't think much about it. No one dares to touch you."


Daniel stood alone in the warehouse, the flickering flames casting a hellish glow over his face. His plan had been perfect, every detail calculated to break Jungkook's spirit. Yet, he had failed to account for the depth of Jungkook's love for Taehyung, a love so fierce it could defy even the most ruthless logic.

Daniel's rage surged, a torrent of impotent fury. He smashed his fist into a nearby pillar, the pain a fleeting distraction from his humiliation.

He watched the taillights of Jungkook's car disappear into the night, a dark promise forming in his mind.  He would find another way, another weakness to exploit.

Chen would demand results, and Daniel was determined to deliver. But as he stood there, surrounded by the charred remnants of his failure, a gnawing doubt began to creep into his thoughts. Had he truly understood the lengths to which Jungkook would go for love? And if not, what else had he underestimated?

Meanwhile Aecha was currently standing in front of her brother.

"When that Daniel is going to name half of his property in Taehyung's name?" Her brother shouted.

"I've found something. It doesn't matter of Daniel name his property in Taehyung's name or not, it is already Taehyung's. I found these papers yesterday." Aecha said handing her brother the papers.

"'s time to show up now." He smirked, looking at the picture of Taehyung in his lockscreen. He was obsessed.


Hola lovelies 😘😘😘

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter 🌚💅🏻

Sorry if it was boring but upcoming chapters gonna be great!


Love y'all

Boragays 💜💜💜💜💜💜

Don't give up because you matter ❤️

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