Chapter 5

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"THIS IS NOT HOW YOU HOLD A GUN!" Jimin shouted at Taehyung who flinched at the sudden voice.

"Fuck you." Taehyung whispered as his hands trembled while holding the gun. The memories of  his father making him point the gun at his mother came in his mind.

"You really don't wanna get treated nicely....I see." Jimin said,pissed off because Taehyung wasn't cooperating with him at all.

"I'm trying my best,okay?" Taehyung said and scoffed when he saw an irritated expression over Jimin's face.

"First you literally pushed me in the water when I was simply trying to train you for swimming." Jimin counted making Taehyung roll his eyes.

"It's been two weeks already and I don't think I can teach you basics in just one week. You're so stubborn." Jimin said and Taehyung gave him an unpleased look.

"You're not good at training,just accept it." Taehyung said making Jimin gave him a tight expression. Jimin nodded,lips tightly packed.

"I see....I was being easy on you just because Jungkook told me so. Now I'll train you like I train others." Jimin said and soon shot the air, Taehyung covered his ears at the loud sound.

"SHOOT!" Jimin shouted at Taehyung while pointing his own gun at Taehyung's legs.

"I swear, Kim......if you won't shoot the target..... I'll fucking shoot your leg." Jimin said while gritting his teeth and he could see terror in Taehyung's eyes but Taehyung was also stubborn.

"Shoot......father will have a good talk with you." Taehyung said making Jimin let out a loud scream in frustration.

"JEON!" Jimin shouted and quickly walked out in search of Jungkook. He couldn't handle Taehyung anymore.

Meanwhile the gun fell from Taehyung's hands as he fell on his knees. His eyes scanned the gun and he could see his mother's crying face, her bloody body. It hurts a lot.

Tears filled in his eyes but he quickly rubbed his eyes not wanting to show his weak side. A smile appeared on his face when he remembered those days when his mother used to giggle with him, make flower crown for him.

He hated how weak he felt for his age. He was acting weak again like he did that time.

Finally a tear escaped from his eyes. Oh! How happy those days were. How much he missed his mother.

His train of memories broke when he felt someone's presence behind him in the room.

"Well well .....why are you making this hard for me, Taetae hyungie." Jungkook said and Taehyung quickly wiped his tears away before standing up and facing Jungkook.

"Don't call me that." Taehyung said making Jungkook chuckle.

"Grab the gun." Jungkook's expression turned serious all of sudden. Taehyung shooked his head,not wanting to do as Jungkook told him to.

"GRAB THE FUCKING GUN!" Jungkook shouted and Taehyung stumbled over nothing after hearing that loud voice of Jungkook's.

"Hyungie.....why are you making this so hard for me? Please, don't test my patience." Jungkook said, calmly this time. Taehyung was surprised by the bipolar behaviour of Jungkook.

"Grab the gun, hyungie.....shoot the target." Jungkook said and he noticed Taehyung's glossy eyes. He wanted to wipe those upcoming tears but somehow he felt satisfied. He felt powerful. He felt happy.

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