Chapter 53

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"Oh God oh God! Bring Taegguk to me." Taehyung shouted. He was loosing his shit because of the mess.

It was his wedding day and everyone was ready except him. He saw Mingyu running with his suit.

"Give it to me!" Taehyung shouted but Mingyu was busy teasing Jimin.

"Taegguk is ready,son. He's looking so pretty." Jaekyung said and Taehyung cooed at his son.

"Why are you still in your pajamas? Why aren't you ready yet?" Jaekyung then asked and saw Taehyung pointing towards running Mingyu and Jimin who was chasing him down.

"Let me handle it." Taehyung gritted his teeth and soon they all heard a click sound.

"Fucking stop with this otherwise I'm killing someone on my wedding day." Taehyung said, holding a gun in his hands now.

"Don't curse in from of baby, Tae.." Jaekyung scolded Taehyung who mumbled a little 'sorry appa'.


"Do I look like shit?" Jungkook asked to Jackson who put his fingers under his chin making a thinking gesture.

"You look like an elegant piece of shit." Jackson said with a smile.

"Fuck you." Jungkook cursed.

"Taehyung won't like it." Jackson smirked and then walked closer to him.

"I know you have had sex before but believe me..... nothing can replace the wedding night. It just excites you even if you're not feeling horny." Jackson said making Jungkook gulp.

"Why are we discussing about sex all of sudden?" Jungkook said, fixing his bowtie.

"Just telling you that I overheard their conversation...... Taehyung is preparing something for you. Heard him talking about something silk. " Jackson said with a smirk and saw his friend getting lost in his wet dreamland.

"Jungkook,the priest is calling yo--- what the ACTUAL FUCK!" Wonwoo shouted when he noticed Jungkook who was standing in black suit but hard....

"Why the fuck are you hard at this time!?" Wonwoo shouted and Jungkook pointed at Jackson who raised his arms in air to surrender.

"He made you hard?" Wonwoo questioned, confused.

"He did talk about some crazy stuff!" Jungkook complained while walking towards the washroom to fix his problem.

"Don't masturbate.....just fucking take deep breaths and calm yourself down! We don't have much time!" Wonwoo shouted and walked out to look for Taehyung.


Jungkook was now waiting for Taehyung to arrive. He was feeling so nervous. It all just felt like a dream.

Soon Jungkook saw Taehyung walking towards him dresses up all in white suit looking so angelic.

Jungkook's heart skipped a beat when he saw his friends escorting oh so beautiful Taehyung.

Taehyung gulped when he saw Jungkook. He really couldn't believe that it was their wedding.

Soon Taehyung and Jungkook were standing in front of each other as they completed their vows. A lot was running off in their mind but they both were so lost in each other's eyes.

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