Chapter 10

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"Mr Chen is here, where the hell is Taehyung?!" Daniel whisper shouted at Jungkook who had his head hung down.

"He's sick." Jungkook replied.

"How much exactly?" Daniel said pissing Jungkook off.

'Enough to kill you' Jungkook wanted to say his thoughts out loud but chose not to.

"He's burning. Not able to walk, even sit." Jungkook said trying to make his speech as short as he could.

"He's so useless. I don't care, give him medicine or whatever. I want him down here." Daniel said and left an angry Jungkook.

Jungkook sighed as he had no other option but to call Taehyung downstairs now. When Jungkook walked inside Taehyung's room,he saw Taehyung tucked in blankets.

"Ready up. Daniel wants you downstairs." Jungkook said but he got no response from Taehyung so he walked towards him.

"For fuck's sakes! Stop being annoying for once." Jungkook said and snatched the blanket from Taehyung's body. He saw Taehyung curled up in a ball and was shivering.

Jungkook touched Taehyung's forehead and he indeed had fever. Jungkook cursed under his breath. He quickly rushed towards bathroom and soon came back with wet towels.

"Why the fuck I'm doing this." Jungkook was frustrated with his own behaviour and finally his evil stubborn side won and he left Taehyung alone there tucking him in blankets.

"Fuck it. How am I supposed to bring him down." Jungkook said and saw Jimin walking towards him.

"Daniel wants you there in the meeting hall. " Jimin said and Jungkook just walked away.


"He's my son and basically deal with everything. He's the next hier of our Mafia." Daniel said and Mr Chen checked Jungkook's from head to toe.

"Your son's aura is so intimidating."Chen said making Daniel proud but Jungkook didn't like the way Daniel introduced him as his son at all.

"Meet my son, Charlie. He's the next leader after me." Chen introduced and Charlie smirked at Jungkook at which Jungkook replied with rolling his eyes.

"Where's your another son? We agreed on something." Chen said and Daniel nodded.

"He's not feeling well but I think  he can talk to Charlie at least." Daniel said and Chen nodded.

"Jimin, tell Taehyung that a guest coming to see him . Walk him to the room on the left." Daniel said and Jimin bowed before leaving.

"Tell us more about the deal." Daniel said and the conversation started.


"How the fuck he can do that against my will?" Taehyung shouted. He was shocked after listening every single word which left from jimin's mouth.

"Are you feeling ok now?" Jimin said.

"Yes, I guess but I'm not going to get engaged with anyone that too who's involved in disgusting things." Taehyung said.

"I can't do anything. You've mouth,no? Use it in front of your father." Jimin said rudely making Taehyung more angry.

"Ok..... let me see that bastard's son." Taehyung said and furiously stood up from his bed and walked out from the room but bumped into Jungkook.

His Mafia Step Brother | TaeKook✓Where stories live. Discover now