Chapter 28

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Taehyung soon realised how big of a fool he is. He was currently standing in front of a small restaurant running by an old couple. It was the same address mentioned in the peice of paper.

"He fucking tricked me...." Taehyung couldn't believe it. He just got trapped in Daniel's trap and  unknowingly he involved Jungkook in that too.

Taehyung :

Jungkook,the address is fake! Don't come here...

It's just a small restaurant being run by an old couple.

sent 1:34 pm

Jungkook hadn't seen his message and because of it Taehyung couldn't just run away from that restaurant.

"Taehyung you need to run..." Taehyung mumbled when he saw his dad's men searching for him.

Taehyung ran for his dear life , figure disappearing in some local street.


"Jk,watch out!" Jimin shouted and shoot the man behind Jungkook. Jungkook gave a thumbs up to Jimin who nodded.

"Shit shit....there are more!" Jimin panicked so does Jungkook but tried his best to remain focused.

Soon more men came and Jungkook found himself getting loose on the ground. There was no way that it's only a single mafia.

Took a moment for Jungkook to realise that it was a trap. Trap of Daniel to keep him busy. But why?

Jungkook soon saw Jimin getting on the ground,sign of defeat. And Jungkook too, joined Jimin not much later.

"We're fucked up." Jimin mumbled.

Both of them kneeling on the ground with their other men and hands tied behind their back.

"Daniel ain't picking up the call." Jimin whispered.

"Why would he? It was his plan after all. Wants us to be busy in this mission for a week but I don't know why." Jungkook spat in anger which angered Jimin too.

"Because of Chen-" Jimin quickly shut his mouth but Jungkook heard it.

"What you just said?" Jungkook asked, glaring at Jimin.

"Don't hide anything from me,Park." Jungkook threatened.

"Daniel has arranged the meeting with Chen and Charlie is suppose to get engaged to Taehyung today." Jimin spoke and found Jungkook showering Daniel with curses.

"And you're telling me now!?" Jungkook shouted, gaining everyone's attention.

"Fuck....I just didn't tell you because you'd been distracted." Jimin said.

"You're no one to think about me,got it!? The only job you've is to tell me every single fucking thing!" Jungkook shouted,not giving a fuck about how loud he is.

"I'm sorry boss but why you even care? Didn't you see how he used you as his puppet? He still is! Check your phone there must be the messages from him to save you because that's how he sees you! As your bodyguard!" Jimin let out his frustration.

Jungkook raised his eyebrow at Jimin's sudden outburst and he knew that whatever Jimin was saying might be true.

"Let me be free...... you've a lot of things to learn,Park." Jungkook spoke, voice full of authority and darkness.

Jimin just hung his head down and that's when they heard a loud boom! Firing could be heard and they noticed how the men touched the ground one by one who were captivating them.

Jungkook quickly lied down on the ground to save himself from the direction less firing so did others.

Jungkook raised his head when he heard certain someone's voice.

"My bro before hoe, look who's here to save you." The man spoke and Jungkook's lips curled into a smirk.

"My buddy.... Jackson." Jungkook said and with a smirk,it took Jackson a minute to set Jungkook and others free.

"How are you? Been a long time since I last heard from you." Jungkook spoke, Dusting away his clothes.

"Setting up my own business. This mafia thing tires the shit outta me." Jackson said and shakes his hand with Jungkook.

"" Jungkook said and Jackson understood what Jungkook wanted to ask.

"Went to your so called mansion to meet you and got informed by that old chimpanzee that you're out on a mission. Now don't ask me how I found you." Jackson shrugged his shoulder.

"Boss,your fiance has a message for you. He is saying that he's still upset about that chips packet." One man informed Jackson who pouted.

"Fiance? He? When this happened?" Jungkook asked.

"Will tell you,a long story. And aren't you gay too? Pfft.....not an offence but we mafias are mostly gay because a girl can never satisfy the things boys can. Besides....I just fell in love." Jackson said,this time a genuine smile on his face.

"You must go..." Jungkook mumbled when he saw the upcoming call on Jackson's phone's screen.

Jungkook then unlocked his phone and saw text messages from Taehyung.

Candy :

Jungkook,the address is fake! Don't come here...

It's just a small restaurant being run by an old couple.

1:34 pm

Jungkook stared at the messages for so long.

"Bet he's asking for help." Jimin mumbled

"He isn't. He just found out that the address is fake and doesn't want me to go there." Jungkook mumbled while rolling his eyes.

"How he knows?" Jimin asked and realisation hit both of them.

"Fuck....he ran away....fuck!" Jungkook panicked.

He knew that Taehyung will not move from that area because he knows nothing about that area. Jungkook knew that Taehyung was new there.

"Shit I must go there " Jungkook said and Jimin wanted to interfere but before that Jungkook's phone again buzzed with text messages.


Found the CCTV footages of that day ..

Taehyung was indeed in the Chen's basement and met your father.

Come here fast, it urgent

Jungkook couldn't believe his eyes when he read the text messages.

Jungkook didn't know what to do. Save Taehyung from God knows where or go to Mingyu who was going to show him how Taehyung betrayed him even more.

"Let's go find Taehyung." Jungkook made his mind and Jimin just nodded, following Jungkook's orders.


Hola lovelies 😘😘😘

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter 🌚💅🏻

Byeeeeeeeeeee ~~

Love y'all

Boragays 💜💜💜💜💜💜

Don't give up because you matter ❤️

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