Chapter 20

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"So..... what's the sudden change in heart?" Taehyung asked as he watched Jungkook dressing his wound at the mid of the night.

"Nothing. Just gonna regret this all later." Jungkook whispered the last sentence before saying a small 'done'.

"You said something?" Taehyung asked and Jungkook just shooked his head.

"Why so sudden change in heart?" Taehyung finally asked the question which was bothering him for a while.

"Don't you like it?" Jungkook monotonously asked at which Taehyung sarcastically chuckled.

"Let me torment you and then treat you like this." Taehyung mumbled.

"I'm trying ...." Jungkook spoke.

"Only for you." Jungkook completed making Taehyung feel a tingle inside his heart.

"You've bipolar disorder, Jungkook. You won't be like this tomorrow and we both know that." Taehyung said and laid down on the bed in the sleeping position.

"Sure thing.....and yeah, don't forget to tell me if you find anything related to my dad." Jungkook said and Taehyung just hummed while closing his eyes.

Soon soft snores could be heard and Jungkook's eyes travelled throughout Taehyung's face. His eyes lingered on latter's lips which were apart.

Jungkook gulped as the kiss rewinded in his mind. The face he was looking at was just so beautiful that it was hard to not fall for it.

Jungkook stared at that face for like 10 minutes, regretting every single thing he did to him. Jungkook wanted happiness for Taehyung but he was afraid..... afraid of showing his feelings.

Jungkook surely know that everytime he saw Taehyung,he felt something which he never felt and Mingyu and Jimin were ready to call it love but he didn't want to accept that.

Jungkook came to a realisation that if he stays more close to Taehyung, he will end up having a weakness which he didn't want. So Jungkook decided something..... something which he was going to regret soon.


"You're indeed a bipolar. You've really got split personality. Sucks to be in love with you! Thank God I'm not."

Who can speak like this to Jungkook? Of course,one and only Mingyu.

Jungkook told Mingyu everything and Mingyu was just cursing him for his future decision.

"Bud? Taehyung might not be in love with you but you're! Accept it or not." Mingyu said.

"I'm not! You don't have a brother so you don't know. I just care for him a little bit because he's my brother." Jungkook said.

"Yea, those who've brother...they love to kiss their grown ass brother in lips and who knows if they dream about making out--" Mingyu could complete his sentence as he noticed a book flying towards him.

The book smashed Mingyu directly on the face.
Mingyu pressed his lips in a thin line to suppress the curses he was going to give Jungkook.

"Shut up! Do you even know what you're talking about?" Jungkook spat , ready to throw something else at Mingyu.

"Jungkook,put your ego aside. There's nothing to love someone. He's not even your real brother,God damn it! Why are you so worked out? And did you even think about Taehyung when you made that shit of your decision!?" Mingyu spat, raising his voice little by little at which Jungkook raised his brow.

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