Prolouge - I'm With You in The Dark

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Darkness consumed Y/N's vision no matter where she looked. 'Am I dreaming?' Y/N thought to herself as she looked down at her bare hands, surprisingly back to her normal S/C skin.

  A soft glow started to illuminate in front of Y/N as she stared with awe and bafflement. A heart-shaped soul had appeared in front of her, glowing red with determination. Or really, her determination. The glowing soul quickly went up to her, going inside like it was nothing. The feeling felt unusual, but no pain was inflicted to Y/N. It felt out of place yet it felt like it was right at its rightful home too.

Another red glow radiated in the distance, catching Y/N's attention. Was it another soul? And beyond that red glow was a figure. In a blink of an eye, she was right in front of, as well as the figure.

They've also gotten closer, and the red slow illuminated brighter when they did. Y/N widened her eyes.

It was.. 'Kris!'

Y/N felt relief and the longing inside started to dissipate. No words came out of Y/N as she tried to call and be with them again.

'Can they(♡) see me?' Y/N thought desperately. She inspected closer, to see that their(♡) eyes were landed straight towards the red soul. Glaring daggers towards it and clenching their(♡) fists as they stared at it longer. Y/N had rarely seen that expression on them(♡). They(♡) looked..angry. No, they(♡) were angry. The hate in their eyes was proof of that. But why? Was it because of this soul? Y/N traced her gaze back towards the illuminating soul. It just seemed to be glowing just fine.

So..what was about this soul that made Kris so...angry?

Looking back at Kris, Y/N felt her heart skip a bit when she the saw the ruby orbs stare back at her. Which shown many emotions; surprise, happiness, relief, sadness, and most of Without even noticing, she returned the same gaze, with a hint of confusion that asked question stirring within her E/C eyes.

It looked like Kris was trying to say something as they(♡) opened their mouth, but to no avail, nothing came out but silence as well. Y/N gazed sorrowfully towards them(♡). Y/N went over to them(♡), in front of them(♡), wanting to give an embrace with her arms around their(♡) soft lime and yellow sweater to soothe the troubled teen. She wanted to understand what was going on and help as much as she could. To which she tried to do the affectionate action only to have her arms pass through Kris. Kris gazed pitifully as they tried to embrace the one they(♡) love as well. Defeated, they stared at each other for what seemed like an eternity until Kris returned their(♡) gaze to the red soul and their frown returned once more. Their(♡) eyes gave an accusing glare straight towards the floating soul. Y/N's still flashed the same question that nagged her mind and fueled her curiosity and worry.

Suddenly, without warning, the soul pushed past Y/N, separating her from Kris. A flash of worry expressed on Kris's face as they(♡) try to get back to Y/N who was now far away again. Except, the red soul blocked their(♡) path, intentionally separating the two.

The red glow seemed to have shown brighter, threatening to blind Y/N with its ever-growing DETERMINATION. She could see that Kris was trying to say something towards of it, a hated expression that only directed towards the red heart. In which it's response was going inside Kris. Kris was taken aback with shock and something else Y/N hadn't seen in their eyes before.

Whatever this soul was doing, whatever it was doing to Kris to make them hate it this way, she wasn't going to let it control Kris.

Y/N started to head towards Kris. They(♡) noticed her, both desperate teens reaching out for each other. A glowing hue, shaped like a heart appeared on a Kris's chest tugged them(♡) fiercely away from her. Y/N tried to call out before Kris was out of eyeshot, before they were too far in the dark.

"Just know that I'll be with you, even in the dark!" Y/N called, just barely audible, until she was unable to see Kris anymore.


Word Count: 739 words

Just adding a bit of lore right away.
Anyways, do tell me if there are any mistakes and I'll fix em.

Anyways hope you found this short prologue enjoyable, and I hope you enjoy chp 1 (=

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