Chp 2 - Castle Town Pt.1

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Greetings! Back with another chapter and a decent one as well
This chapter will be a switch of POVs this time and will be split into 2 parts before diving in into the Cyber World so be patient!

Haven't been able to work on this for a bit due to life problems but I was able to finish

Anyways I hope you all enjoy!

!Artwork above made by Temmie/Temmie Chang on Insta: @tuyoki!


Y/N's POV:

   Y/N jolted awake as she sat up on a bed. No darkness was surrounded around Y/N this time. 'Was that real?' A thought occurred to her as she looked around. The memory of her dream still stuck in her head. There were a few trophies on shelves, along with empty picture frames. The walls were F/C as well as the bedsheets and a F/c2. 'Where am I?' She slowly uncovered the blanket off and sat at the edge of the bed. As Y/N stood up, she was surprised to see she could stand just fine. No trace of bruises or the large gash was left.

A knock tapped beyond her door. Y/N perked slightly with interest. She went up to it and unlocked the door to reveal a smiling Ralsei holding a slice of butterscotch pie. "Ralsei!" Y/N smiled once she saw him and hugged him tightly. He held the pie in one hand while his other wrapped around Y/N's back to hug back. "Oh I'm so glad you're awake and feeling better Y/N," He beamed. "It's all thanks to you Ralsei," Y/N rubbed the back of her neck giving a grateful look. "Well mostly, I just wish I could've done more.." Ralsei gazed sorrowfully. Y/N was confused at that until noticing a few scars on her arms from the harsh attacks last time. Y/N didn't say anything, Ralsei thinking she was upset. "It's alright Ralsei, you don't have to waste any more of your magic. It's fine, really," Y/N said with a determined spark and ton before Ralsei could give an apology. Ralsei gave a small breath of relief at that until recognization flashed. "Ah! I baked you a pie!" Ralsei held out the slice of pie. Y/N stared with hunger and awe. Just seeing it made her realize that she was hungry.

  "Thank you, Ralsei," Y/N told him who gave a nod of acknowledgement. The two sat at the edge of Y/N's bed. As Y/N munched on her pie, Ralsei asked a question. "So how do you like the new room?" He asked with a sheepish voice with a glint of hope in his eyes. Y/N turned with admiration of the room, it had basically all her favorite things. It was practically her dream room.

  "It's fantastic," she responded. "When did you prepare or make all of this though?" She asked. "Haha, well, once Kris and Susie sealed the fountain and returned here, I wanted to prepare you all rooms for when you came back. a second home to you," Ralsei said nervously, fiddling with his white paws together. His reason gave a warm pang in her heart at Ralsei's kindness. "Aw Ralsei, you could've asked me to help," Y/N told him after finishing her last bite of the butterscotch pie. "You needed rest Y/N and it was best if I did since you all are guests here," he insisted. Y/N gave a nod towards him, reluctantly agreeing.

   She now noticed the change of Ralsei's look. Without his green hat, his fluffy white fur and full face and pink horns were exposed instead completely shadowed than before. "What happened to your hat?" Y/N asked him. "I just thought that maybe I should show myself more often, y'know? Why, did I look better with my hat on?" "No no! I think it fits you, having to show yourself more," Y/N quickly said. Ralsei gave a relieved sigh.

   She looked down at her empty plate that was now full of crumbs. "This was delicious and um, I was wondering..can..c-can you teach me how to bake one?" Y/N blurted embarrassingly. Shocked, Ralsei stared at her surprised, but with excitement merged in them. "Of course! But I think a pie might be a whole new level for starters. Maybe something smaller?" He offered, in which Y/N gave an embarrassed nod. "Oh now that you mentioned baking! I should also start baking a cake for Kris and Susie when they arrive!" He exclaimed. "They're..coming?" Y/N said with a soft tone of relief and excitement. Her heart started to beat faster at a specific name and the fact that they were coming. "Yes, soon. We have time to make a simple pastry and a cake," he said excitedly.

A Cyber's World | Book 2 of IBFY | Deltarune: Kris x Fem Reader |Where stories live. Discover now