Chp 7 - May I Have This Dance?

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I've finally finished this chapter, and my motivation has been decreasing so I'll try my best to upload every week still TuT

There isn't really much to say, but I hope you enjoy this chp 😅
I'm gonna take a nap after this cuz oh boy this took time and motivation to write

!Art above not made by me!


   Before Kris led the group onward, after their little event with Queen and the game, they had remembered that Lancer and Rouxls was still in their pocket. Checking in, they only rummaged to find Lancer, while Rouxls was gone. "Hohoho! Rouxls jumped out of your pocket! How dadcrobatic! (Lesser)," Lancer exclaimed quietly. Only Kris could hear him. "That game looked fun! Let me be the stool next!" Lancer slightly whined and laughed. After checking Lancer, Kris realized that they had entered a new area. Two robot like people sat behind their stall of boxes, grooving of the music playing in this mysterious world. Curious, the team walked up to them.

   "Want to buy a bagel? Only $80," The green seller said. Kris noticed the three gazing hungrily towards the bagels. "K.K, no! It's 400! 400!" The other robot exclaimed angrily. "Got it. Want to buy 400 bagels? Only 80$," K.K asked the Lightners. The other shopkeeper facepalmed himself in annoyance. 400 bagels was a lot, it'll practically keep the team set for the whole trip and after. Though there was still a problem. Kris didn't think they would have any room to fit 400 bagels. Still engaged though, they decided to get 400 bagels. Kris couldn't help but imagine a huge heap of bagels crushing and defeating them instantly if they were getting 400 bagels. Well not really, they just couldn't carry that many. Instead they bought at least 3 CD bagels for Y/N, Susie, and Ralsei to snack on.

   "Thanks, I'm starving," Susie snatched the CD bagel Kris handed to them. She munched on it quickly and looked pleased with the taste. "I'm gonna save it for later just in case," Y/N told them. "Same here, you never know when we may need these when we're low," Ralsei advised towards Susie. Susie just shrugged and continued eating the pastry.

   After their little converse, Kris led the team onward.

   "I'm the Hacker. I'm going after the blue check marks," The Hacker told the team. "Find 3 in the Cyber Field ahead, and I'll join your city. You just look like the kind of folks who have a cool city," he told them. "Let's do it Kris!" Ralsei said enthusiastically from behind. They just gave a shrug and agreed nonetheless.

   The team arrived to a new area, after finding one of the blue checkmarks. The other way up was blocked by a barrier. And up ahead was a new enemy they had never faced before.  Virovirokuns floated in! Immediately hovering over the act button, Kris ordered the group to Take Care. Suddenly, a tray of pills, with nice cup of hot coco on top, appeared on their hands. Hands, they weren't their metal gloves anymore. Now that they noticed, the weight of their metal armor gone, which was now replaced with a white doctor's coat. A small head mirror was wrapped around their navy blue hair too.  Looking over to the others, they wore doctor coats too. Susie wore a head mirror too. But Y/N and Ralsei wore nurse caps. Kris's eyes were focused one particular person though. And she looked cute. Susie was holding a large shot, while Ralsei was holding a delicious, freshly, baked cake. Y/N was holding stethoscope around her neck and holding the end with a otoscope on the other hand. Kris didn't notice Y/N's E/C's eyes toward them, and once they did, heat crept up to their cheeks. The four all went up to the Virovirokuns and tended them to loving care. They were spooked by Susie's large shot though, especially when she was maniacally trying to impale them with it. Both Y/N and Ralsei stopped her luckily. And Kris couldn't help but give a silent laugh.

   Virovirokun uses a text document as a tissue. After their attack, Kris managed to spare the both of them with the help of Susie.

   "Wait is this another puzzle? You do it," Susie gave a yawn and sat back watching. "I mean what the hell is that? A driver's license?" Susie grunted towards the puzzle. "Heh, can we use it and drive your mom's car?" She chuckled at the idea. "Uhh, maybe we can make your mom's car cooler first. I'm thinking, like..purple? With flames!" Susie added. "Wait can you guys even drive?" Y/N put in. "I sure can't, but I have no idea if this nerd can heh heh," Susie nudged towards Kris. They decided to leave this unanswered. "Kris, we'll stand here so you can spell freely!" Ralsei smiled. "Kris spell a swear!" Susie grinned when her eyes sparked with realization. "Umm, I..I don't think they can with these letters," Ralsei said hesitantly. "Oh. Wait, you checked?" Susie sneered chuckling. "Umm, Kris d-do your best!" Ralsei avoided the question. "And Kris, please do spell some nice words," Ralsei added pleadingly. Which left Kris to do their part. "I'll help you out," Y/N spoke from behind, her voice soothing Kris's ears. They gave a nod of agreement.

A Cyber's World | Book 2 of IBFY | Deltarune: Kris x Fem Reader |Where stories live. Discover now