Chp 4 - A New Adventure

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I was planning on releasing this chapter earlier but I decided to edit it to make it better TvT

This book is already on 800 reads! Thank you so much for many of those reading this book and the previous one! :'D >❤️❤️❤️

Anyways sorry if I made y'all wait, but I hope a chapter and one shot will make up for my absence

I don't have much to say so I hope you enjoy this chp!

!Art above made by @wata_lemon03 on Insta!


Y/N hissed softly as she felt the rays of light from outside hit her eyes. "You'll get used to it," Kris told her gently. When Y/N looked over to Kris, it dawned at her that they(♡) were back on their soft looking, lime, yellow-striped sweater and their(♡) brown pants. Theirs dark brown hair, more on the maroon side, fell perfectly as well as their(♡) long bangs. Even back in the Light World, Y/N still found them(♡) captivating. She looked at herself too, back in her original clothing and outfit. As well as her original H/C hair and S/C skin. Even though she loved exploring the Dark World, she felt a rush of relief as the weight of her armor from the Dark World was no longer on her. 

   "Well, damn. GUESS we gotta do our project," Susie groaned dramatically. She was also back in her plain purple sweater and torn jeans. The tone of pink now gone from Susie. Her hair was now darker, more of a darker brown and she was purple again. But something was different from the last time Y/N had seen her like this. Susie looked more expressive than before and less threatening. "Least we got Lancer, right?" Susie continued until she grinned toward the two. But no childish response was spoken to back up Susie. Susie seemed to notice the silence too. "Lancer? Where are you?" Susie looked around, looking for her friend. "Is he not on your pocket? Did you drop him?" Y/N asked Kris. They(♡) fumbled through their(♡) pocket, until pulling out two cards. They(♡) held a puzzled look when they(♡) pulled them out. "Looks like he isn't here," Y/N said disappointedly. "Damn, guess he skipped after all, huh," Susie held the same disappointed tone. "I guess we have to work on the project without him," Y/N said.

    The three started walking towards the entrance of the school. "Hmm, so where should we do this?" Susie asked the two teens. Y/N gave a shrug. "I don't know any places here," Y/N shrugged helplessly. She was still new to this town, recently moved in. She didn't have a tour or really explore the town yet. Kris stopped the two. "We can go to the Library. Noelle wanted us to work on the project with her," They(♡) said in their(♡) usual blank voice, faintly. "What? The library?" Susie echoed. When Kris, mentioned Noelle, Y/N suddenly remembered the kind reindeer that wore a sweater vest. She was pretty nice, Y/N wondered if she and Noelle would get along. "Ugh, well alright," She finished before she headed out alone. "I don't know where the Library is," Y/N laughed nervously, hinting that Kris should lead her to the place. Kris gave a small smile, warming Y/N's heart. She felt a warm hold on her hand, only to see Kris's palm on hers. Back in the Dark World, their(♡) hand was covered in a metal glove, while Y/N's was covered by a regular glove. Now, both bare hands in contact, made their(♡) hold better, able to feel the other's warm touch. It made the warm feeling in her chest flutter more. And with them(♡), their(♡) hold together, she felt right at place.


   Both Y/N and Kris had finally arrived to the Library. Well really, "Librarby." Multiple loud honks rang across the street. And when Y/N saw the source, she was surprised to see many cars blocking each other's path. An a blue fish lady in an officer uniform, lifting a car like it was no problem.

    Without a word, Y/N continued onwards to the Library with Kris, the unusual sight still in her head. When entering the Library, there stood the purple brute waiting for them. "Finally you two lovebirds arrive," Susie gave a small chuckle, giving a knowing look. Heat threatened to spread across Y/N's cheeks. "School. Goddamn. Project," Susie strained. The Library was somewhat small, but it was compatible and quiet for studying. "So are we going to start?" Y/N asked. But Susie didn't hear her as she continued on with her stalling rant. "Books. God. Damn. Crazy about them," she said sarcastically in front of the book shelves. Y/N spared a confusing look towards Kris who have the same look back.

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