Chp 1 - A New Day

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!Art above made by @alpineping!


Kris strained to see her as they(♡) were forcibly pulled away from her reach towards the darkness. 'Y/N!'


A different, yet familiar voice called out towards Kris. But all they(♡) desperately wanted to hear was Y/N's.

Kris glared down at where the supposed soul was. 'You! Get out! I am not a vessel or puppet you can just use for your own desires!'  They(♡) thought furiously towards the unknown soul, as well as trying to scowl at it. But no reply came from it, unsurprisingly.

Unconsciously, Kris moved around in their bed.

"Kris..honey..are you awake..?"

Looking back towards Y/N once more, noticed her mouth moving. Barely audible, they heard her voice.

"Just know that I'll be with you, even in the dark!" She desperately called out. Kris slightly widened their eyes, and they(♡) were nearly soothed when they heard her voice. They(♡) also noticed the same glow and shape within her chest, which was probably her determined soul.

Her words comforted them(♡) a little in a way, to let them(♡) know they weren't alone. Until she was out of sight and her voice couldn't be heard anymore.


The familiar voice was more clearer now and Kris felt groggy and tossed around more. Until a small beam of light pierced through their eyes making their(♡) eyelids shut close.

When realizing, 'Was all that a dream?' Kris thought to themselves(♡) as they(♡) felt around for their chest, a small glare from Kris towards there. It had felt real. Perhaps it wasn't. But what else could it be?

"Is that a.."

The voice was now louder, making Kris open their eyes back. They(♡) had now realized it was their mother, Toriel. 'What is she all worked about?' Kris wondered, wanting to tug themselves(♡) back in the covers and dream of Y/N again. That same longing to see and hear and hold her again was now throbbing their(♡) heart again.

Comprehension dawned at them(♡) suddenly. They(♡) were going to see Y/N today. Back at school, currently in the Dark World. It made Kris's heart beat faster with apprehension and excitement. They(♡) almost sat up out of bed only until remembering what Toriel was all panicked now.

"Uh oh."

"A knife!!?"


Kris immediately buried themselves(♡) back to bed, shutting their(♡) eyes as they(♡) heard their(♡) mother yell in despair.


Not a minute later, Kris could hear their(♡) door swung open and angry steps approaching their(♡) bed.

"Kris, did you eat all the pie!?" Toriel scolded. Hesitantly peeking through the blanket, they(♡) could spot their(♡) mother face palming herself while holding the empty tray of what was left of a delicious butterscotch pie. And a particular shiny knife within the platter. "It is YOUR knife in this empty tin, is it not!? Oh Kris, am I going to have to lock the oven again?" Toriel giggled.

Her eyes trailed back to an awake Kris and saw a wide-awake Kris than usual. "Oh you're already awake my child? Well that's new. What's got you all worked to wake up earlier this time?" Toriel prodded with curiosity with a hint of worry. Kris wasn't about to tell her that they(♡) were excited to see Y/N again, as well as Susie. Or that they(♡) were also secretly excited to go back to the Dark World and see Ralsei, too. Kris kept their(♡) monochrome face and just shrugged towards Toriel who sighed.

A Cyber's World | Book 2 of IBFY | Deltarune: Kris x Fem Reader |Where stories live. Discover now