Oneshot - KFC

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This one shot idea came up in my head out of nowhere like, 'What if Frisk and Chara existed in the Deltarune universe?' And that's idea and plot developed
Anyways wanted to write this for fun and I enjoyed writing this really

() = Kris
(𓌱) = Chara
() = Frisk
Just in case if anybody gets confused on identifying who's who since Kris, Chara, and Frisk use they/them pronouns here in this oneshot (once again, if you have a preferred gender, you can still imagine the preferred gender you want here)

Hope you enjoy this little oneshot and hope I cause a few laughs (:

!Art above made by EmgyForever on Pinterest!


Y/N was heading towards Kris's house. This was the first time she's ever visited to their(♡) resident, and Y/N felt nervous if she would mess up and make things awkward. Kris also mentioned that Toriel, their(♡) adoptive mother, was out shopping for groceries so they would be home alone. Except with some extra company. Y/N wondered who else could be living in Kris's household. She checked her small bag to see if she missed anything she left at home. Checking if she brought the chocolates, she was relieved to see she didn't forget them.

   Finally arriving to Kris's house, Y/N walked up to the door and knocked. She couldn't tell if it was her imagination, but she could've sworn she heard rustling before she knocked. The door was swung open none other than Kris. Y/N felt a light tint of a blush form on her cheeks. They(♡) flashed a small smile once they(♡) saw her, but just as quickly as it came it disappeared, much to Y/N's disappointment.

   "Come in," they(♡) said quietly. They(♡) held the door open for you as you walked in, admiring the view of their(♡) cozy abode. "You have a nice place," Y/N told them(♡), who didn't seem to mind and just shrugged. There was a dusty TV across the green couch, and several other sitting areas. Y/N moved their gaze across the humble abode, until she spotted a pair of eyes staring at her until they got out of view. 'Who's that?' Y/N raised a brow curiously.

   "Oh! I almost forgot, I brought you something," Y/N fumbled until she took out a chocolate bar. Butterflies released in her stomach as she saw the delighted look on Kris as they(♡) viewed the chocolate. Before Kris could take the delicious sweet, small hands snatched the chocolate before they(♡) could reach it.

   "Chocolate!!" A young voice gasped. Y/N stood there aloof at her empty hand until she saw a young child, about half her height. They(𓌱) seemed to be wearing the same lime, yellow-striped sweater as Kris, wearing brown shorts. But their(𓌱) hair was a lighter tone of brown. They(𓌱) had rosy cheeks on their(𓌱) light skin and childish red eyes. They(𓌱) started taking out the wrapper and nibbling on the chocolate with a look of glee. "Um, who's this?" Y/N gazed at the child. "Chara," Kris mumbled, gazing distantly towards the once-theirs(♡) chocolate.

   Y/N felt a tug on her clothing. She gazed down to see another child. This one had the same shoulder-length, dark maroon hair and skin tone as Kris. But, they(✧) didn't have the same length of bangs like them(♡), showing their(✧) closed eyes. They(✧) wore a blue, purple-striped sweater, wearing the same brown shorts. They(✧) seemed to be pointing at her bag.

   "Uh, hi? Do you..want chocolate too?" Y/N guessed and asked politely towards the adorable child. They(✧) nodded eagerly. Y/N held a small smile towards the child. She took out a chocolate bar and gave it to the young kid. They(✧) seemed to like the treat as they(✧) bit onto it little by little.

A Cyber's World | Book 2 of IBFY | Deltarune: Kris x Fem Reader |Where stories live. Discover now