Chp 8 - Berdly

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<Materializes out of nowhere> Uh hi- Ye I'm still here, are you guys still here?
Sorry for going on a long hiatus, motivation just went 👇

But I'm back but motivation is still low. But to make it up, I have pulled 2 chapters (one a oneshot) out of sleeve topresent to you all
I also plan to write a new story while writing this one still if any if you are interested

What franchise will it be in? Omori

Anyways hope you enjoy this story-

Wait.. This story has reached 2k reads and the prequel has almost 20k reads.. Thank you well so much for reading and your support❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
I'll stillchange, update, and perhaps add some scenes and a small details in the prequel

Yes I didn't have any ideas for a title for this chapter

!Art Above by @wata_lemon03 on Insta!


Once Y/N and her friends had finally arrived to the other side, she wished she could enjoy the view with Kris longer. But Noelle didn't have any more time to wait for them, nor does their world. Following Kris as well as the others, they had returned back to where they come from.

And a new path was laid out, the barrier now gone. Heading onward, there was a large shop with large speakers on the side. Crash! Book! Bang! There's a terrible noise coming from the building nearby. Opening the door, they were met with familiar faces.  "Yo!" "What's up!" "Hey!" The music trio greeted the Lightners. Before they could buy anything, they decided to talk with their new allies. "Let's trade info! I'm Sweet!" Sweet introduced himself again. "The ladies call me Cap'n!" Cap'n dipped his cap and adjusted his sunglasses. He winked towards Y/N who shifted uncomfortably. "K.K!" K.K exclaimed. Music played around the shop, and Y/N couldn't help but step her foot to the beat. "We used to work the sound in this town," Sweet told the heroes. "Until Queen came around," Cap'n said darkly. "K.K is short for Cakes," K.K plainly informed them. "She made music against the law," Sweet declared angrily. Y/N couldn't help but gasp slightly. And with music of all things, who would ever make music against the law!? "Unless you make a song she likes," K.K muttered. "But the only JUNK she enjoys.." "Are reverse diss-tracks, where the vocalist puts themselves down, and praises Queen," Sweet finished Cap'n's sentence with disapproval for Queen's taste in music. "Or noise music," Cap'n added. "But if even Queenie tries to put a limiter on us, you can't STOP! THE! MUSIC!!" Sweet pointed his finger up with, not backing down. "Hear that!? We'll just go underground!!" Cap'n yelled with Sweet. "Crash! Boom! Bang!" K.K cheered.

"That's why we made this Junk Shop!" Sweet told the team. "We'll fund our musical rebellion!" Cap'n said. "Can we make noise music too?" K.K asked his friends. "Okay okay we get it! You don't have to announce it to the world," Susie growled. "Ah! Well since we're both after Queen, we'll gladly help fund your rebellion," Ralsei beamed kindly towards the trio. "We appreciate it young lad," Cap'n said towards him. "Can we see your performance?" Y/N went up to the counter. "What, wanna see what we got!?" Sweet said excitedly. Y/N eagerly nodded. "Well prepare for what the Sweet Cap'n Cakes has in store!" He closed his eye. Sweet, Cap'n, and K.K danced for about a few seconds.

"Yo, how was that!?" Cap'n asked the four. "Did you get rocked!?" Sweet eagerly asked. "All our songs are only 4 seconds long," K.K said. "That was...amazing!" Ralsei said awkwardly. The sellers smiled successfully. "Can you tell us about Queen?" Kris's quiet, soothing voice asked them. "Queen wasn't always so..harsh," Sweet pondered for a sec. "No, she WAS! She just got WORSE somehow!" Cap'n corrected him. "It wasn't till that Dark Fountain showed up," Sweet scoffed. "That she started going overdrive," Cap'n continued, shaking at the thought. The Lightners looked at each other when hearing this. The King was like this too, just like when the Fountain from the previous Dark World showed up.  'It has something to do about the Knight,' she recalled. 'But..why would they be opening up these Fountains?'

A Cyber's World | Book 2 of IBFY | Deltarune: Kris x Fem Reader |Where stories live. Discover now