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I haven't been updating this book in months, and writing has been hard recently
Even writing a paragraph seems forceful now, and I don't think I have the motivation to even continue now
So, I'm canceling this book. Thank you, for reading and the wonderful comments you've all left.

Happy April Fools

Don't worry, the real announcement is here. I know I know, it's been a while
A few months
Though, it is true that I have been lacking motivation in writing
I'm still in love with the fandom Deltarune of course.

I've been busy lately, and struggling with mental health. I actually did stop writing so I could give myself some space and a break really to regain myself. My break isn't over yet though, I think I still need time to recollect my motivation before I really get into my groove again.

So, this book won't be left in the dust, I promise you that.

I also plan rewriting the first book soon! I know I keep saying it and actually haven't even started that yet, but it WILL be rewritten.

It's been about a whole 1-2 year(s) since I started writing It Beats For You, and I was younger, so I think visiting and rewriting to fix some grammar issues, add new ideas, change a little dialogue and perhaps change/add tiny events that won't really affect the storyline. I've read your suggestions, and I hear you. Once I finish the next two chapters (which..oh boy..) I will get to work rewriting the first book

I also, want to add originality in the first AND second book

I've been inspired by many writers and other Deltarune fanfics out there, so I wanted to tweak some screws here and there in the books that I thought of myself

It can be annoying sometimes to see the same thing you see in almost every romance book

Thank you???

We've got 6k reads on this book and 28k reads on the first one. I appreciate the love and support this book has gotten.

And thank you for 100 followers


Well, I plan at releasing the next two chapters at the same time
So far, the second chapter is 100% complete, might need to check on it though and see if it needs editing
The next chapter however is 15% done, so yeah, not there yet and still needs writing

I can't wait to show you what I've got planned

Other projects?

Well, other than this fanfic, I think you've noticed that there are one shots here and there, so I plan on publishing a Oneshot Kris x Reader book (with the current one shots that are already published here there) so if you have any suggestions, ideas, or/and requests for a Oneshot, comment them here and wait for it to be published on the upcoming onshot book. Just no NSFW.

Other than that, if any of you have checked out my new book, and OMORI fanfic, I really appreciate it! It's been a fandom I've been obsessed on for a while

Please check out the fandom, and if you want, check out the book I plan on writing on it

My main focus on writing is this book here, so I plan on continuing and finishing this book before anything else

Remember to stay safe, and I hope to see you in the same chapter

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2023 ⏰

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