Oneshot - Trick Or Treat

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🎃 Happy Halloween everyone! 🎃

Just as promised I have created a Halloween onehot, and it's a decent read.

Half of this oneshot is based on the video above. Check it out! It's really good :)
But I wanted to add my own ideas for the other half so I hope you like it

Hope you all enjoy this chapter/oneshot!

Ha/C = Halloween Costume

!Video above made by: Scarodactyl on YouTube!
!Art above by @angusburgers on Insta!


Kris's POV:

"Kris, now that you're too old to trick or treat, this year you get to give out the candy instead," Said Kris's mother. Today was Halloween, a time for knocking on doors for candy and jumping  out of nowhere to cause some scares. In Kris's opinion, this was pretty much their favorite holiday since they could prank and scare some kids. But their mom insisted that someone should stay back in the house and give out the candy. Seeing Kris as her only option, she asked them if they could, which they begrudgingly agreed. They held a large bowl of candy in their hands as they stared towards their mother. Kids were playing around out in the front yard too, impatiently waiting for Toriel. "Once I take the kids home I'm going to a Halloween party for grown-ups," She told them. She was also wearing a witch costume, while Kris just wore their usual lime green sweater. They couldn't buy themselves a costume sadly.

"I'll be back late, so go to bed by ten, alright?" Toriel told them, to which Kris simply nodded. "Make sure you give out the candy, and don't eat it all yourself," Toriel frowned with a knowing look. "Alright, bye Kris!" Toriel smiled. "Line up, kids!" She told the children who were still playing around. "Ahem. EVERYONE, line up!" She repeated more loudly. "Let's go everyone," Toriel said before she left with the trailing little monsters.

Yet, before Kris could turn around and go back in inside, they heard a call from their mother. "Oh. And Kris, please don't scare anyone this year," she scolded. Uh oh, she's caught on. Kris gave a shaky small nod until she finally left. Well this was going to be a boring Halloween...


Kris paced back and forth in their humble abode. Carrying the bowl of candy without a single knock from the door was starting to make their hands ache.

Knock Knock Knock!

About time. Kris opened the door to be met with their neighbor, Noelle. She was dressed as an angel, and pretty well too. "Hey Kris! Having a good time with your mom gone?" She asked them. Kris just stared back blankly as a response. "Remember last year, when my mom tried to ban Halloween!?" Noelle shook at the memory and had an embarrassed face. "There were all these protests, and some people picketed my house," She held a sad smile. "And she called in the National Guard," she continued. "Anyway long story short...I had to sneak out this year too," Noelle finished. And Kris knew already. She would sneak out every Halloween to go trick or treating instead of being stuck in the house. Which was the same predicament they were in. They wished they were out trick o treating out instead, especially with Y/N and Susie. And possibly causing a few scares wouldn't hurt.

'I wonder what she is dressed up as,' Kris pondered at the thought of what Y/N would be for Halloween. They wished internally that she could come over to their house. "Uhhh Kris? You there?" Noelle called out nervously which snapped Kris back to reality and out of the clouds. "I was wondering if you were gonna give out the candy?" Noelle smiled nervously. Kris rummaged through the options. Kris chose Sugar Snow. "Thanks a lot! See you around, Kris! And uh, please don't tell your mom I was here," Noelle asked pleadingly. Kris gave a simple thumbs before she left with thanks. Kris closed the door. Looking back at the bowl full of candy, they rummaged through the sweets until a specific treat caught their eye. Chocolate. "Make sure you give out the candy, and don't eat it all yourself." The words of Toriel replayed back in their head. 'One candy bar won't hurt,' They smirked.

A Cyber's World | Book 2 of IBFY | Deltarune: Kris x Fem Reader |Where stories live. Discover now