Chp 5 - A Cyber's World?

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HOLY [Cungadero]! We're already at 1k reads at this book?? We're only like 5 Chps in this book already and we're just starting
I appreciate all the support that is given, thank you! 💖💖

I hope you all have been enjoying this so far, reverb filled with motivation, and I just wanna wrote 24/7 nowadays

Also added the infamous music of "A Cyber's World," it's optional if you wanna play it in a very specific part ;)

Anyways, I hope you enjoy!

!Art Above made by @spacerobinhood on Insta!


Third Person Kris's POV :

Noelle? What was Noelle doing here? Kris inspected the trembling young deer as she gazed at the Lightners. Noelle was Kris's childhood friend and their neighbor. They used to hang out all the time before... Kris mentally shook their head. They shouldn't get distracted right now. Something wasn't right. "Susie!?!!" Noelle exclaimed with a sparkle of relief on her face. "Cool that you're here, just..Wait, get out of here before it's too late!" Noelle warned them. "Huh? What do you mean before it's too late?" Y/N asked. But before her question could be answered, a cage approached Noelle quickly and trapped her within. She gave one last look of terror before she was sent into the abyss with a shriek.

   "NOELLE!!" Susie chased after her until she couldn't. Something was so not right now. Kris was wary of their surroundings until a laugh echoed around the area.


   A tall and slim black, azure, and white figure rose above, sitting on a chair, spinning her glass of green liquid. She was wearing a sleeveless black top, with an azure masonic collar that has slightly spiked shoulders and a large white medici-styled collar, white pants, black high-heeled calf-length boots, azure gloves. She wore blue lipstick and her eyes were a black screen.

   "Hell Of A Study Session," The stranger said, her voice in a royal tone. Kris was tense on who this person was, but they had a strong feeling that she was behind Noelle's capture. "Who the hell are you!?" Susie yelled demandingly. "I Am Known As Serial Number Q5U4EX7YY2E9N," She introduced with a smirk. Both Y/N and Susie stood there dumbfounded. "Q5..wha-?" Y/N repeated, rubbing the bridge of her nose confusedly. "But You Foolish Children May Call Me.." Q5U4..X, whatever her name was said as she drank from her glass of strange green liquid. "Queen." She finished. A box that said "Queen" appeared and was pointing to the relaxed person.

   "Heh, like we're gonna call YOU 'Queen' Q5U..3..7 uh," Susie said confidently until she was stumped. Kris almost let out a laugh but held it. "Queen," "Queen" repeated. Another box that said "Queen" appeared. "Honestly it's better than calling her a serial number Susie," Y/N told her. Susie gave a defeated huff. "Well LOOK, 'Queen.' We're not 'children!'" Susie yelled out, pointing at her accusingly. "Teens Are Merely Big Children. And Adults Are Even Bigger Children," Queen added mockingly. Two digital boxes replaced the once previous box, showing two figures. Which said: "Stupid" -> "BIG Stupid." "Aren't you an adult though? Wouldn't that make you stupid?" Y/N countered. "No I Am: A Computer (Smart)." Queen said. 'That would explain her look then,' Kris thought. More digital boxes appear with images of computers with the word, "Smart." Queen's screen, where her eyes should be displayed "Nice." "Computer?" Susie said, lost. "Well Thank You For The Stimuli But I Must Leave Now (Goodbye)," Queen took her leave as her chair lifted her up. "Wait, what about Noelle!?" Y/N called out. "Why'd you capture Noelle!? Where is she!?!" Susie growled. Kris saw Queen approach back down in her "rocket chair." "I Would Have Captured You Too But I Ran Out Of Cages," Queen explained with the word "True" displayed on her screen.

A Cyber's World | Book 2 of IBFY | Deltarune: Kris x Fem Reader |Where stories live. Discover now