Chp 3 - In Your Arms Pt.2

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I have brought you another chapter! This is the last part/chapter before we enter a Cyber's World where the adventure will REALLY begin!

This is long chapter, so prepare to sit for a while while reading this.

I felt like last chapter was just lazy and poorly written, so I decided to cook something a little spicy that even I grew flustered writing, to make up for such a horrible chapter. So expect fluff while you're reading this =)


F/C = Favorite Color

!Art above by @eints01 on Insta!


Kris's POV:

    As the Lightners were about to head into Ralsei's castle, Kris noticed Lancer hanging back. "I thought you were racing?" Ralsei asked with a dumbfounded face. "Yeah! I wanna be the egg!" Lancer said with a grin. "Wha-" "Hey, let him be what he wants. If he wants to be an egg, let him be an egg," Susie chuckled as Ralsei was about to ask a question. Susie gave a fist bump with Lancer, who happily fist bumped back.
Heading towards the castle, Kris looked up, to see a large Fountain, rushing greatly into the dark abyss that was the sky of this world. The trio had stepped into the castle. It was grand and huge inside, with a large pot in the middle.

"Just wanted to show off your huge house, huh?" Susie said towards Ralsei. "No, what I want-" "Ralsei! Are they here yet?!" A familiar voice called from above. Kris frantically looked around for the source. Until spotting what they(♡ strained to see and hold rushing down the stairs. "Oh, Y/N! Yes they are, I'm about to show around," Ralsei hurried over as she gazed at the two with relief and excitement. When her eyes landed toward Kris, it felt like time had stopped. Their(♡) heart began to beat faster, and their(♡) breathing stopped, as they(♡) gazed at her wonderful E/C eyes, her elegant H/C hair, everything about her was just as they(♡) remembered. Kris could tell Y/N seemed to feel it too as a light blush started to form on her cheeks. Kris found the sight cute. No blood and bruises was left of her from the last time they(♡) had seen her. 'I've missed you,' was what Kris thought, and wanted to say to her."Helllooooo Kris?" Susie's voice got louder as she waved a hand in front of Kris. Kris turned towards her, giving her a slightly confused look. She gave a knowing smirk. "I get that you're mooning, but we ought to continue this tour that Ralsei is so deadest on showing us," Susie whispered while she chuckled, slightly forwarding her eyes towards Y/N. A blush almost made it's way to Kris's face when she had said that. "Well, what I want to show you is upstairs!" Ralsei said enthusiastically.

"Oh wait! I nearly forgot! This is where I cook!" Ralsei showed off his pot. "You cook everything in a giant witch's pot?" Susie commented. "Trust me, it's surprisingly good when it comes to baking," Y/N added. Kris perked at that. Had she have experience? Susie just gave a shrug and went along with it. "Why of course Susie! Cauldron-cooking is very convenient!" Ralsei informed her with a beaming smile. "Here, Kris, Susie, and Y/N, have a cake!"

Suddenly out of nowhere, a freshly baked cake exploded out of the witch pot. Kris stared with little bewilderment, as did with Y/N and Susie with triple the amount. The cake was headed towards Susie's direction. She opened her mouth widely to reveal her sharp teeth and ate the whole cake. No piece of it left behind. "Hmmm, a little thick on the frosting," Susie said as she still munched on the cake. "Th-That was for sharing!" Ralsei said who had the same dumbfounded look as Y/N. "Hey, anyone was free to make an interception," Susie gave another shrug. "I-It's okay Ralsei, I wasn't hungry anyways," Y/N patted his back.

After that, Kris led the group downstairs, which was probably the basement of this castle. Two animal cages held the prisoners from the previous castle. C.Round was also here, violently protecting the jail. Kris moved on to find a huge cell, with a hamster wheel and water bottle inside. And the once-feared King sitting beside the old bars. When the King saw the Heroes coming, Kris could determine a small look of surprise to seem them visiting him. The King then formed a frown when they came up. Kris silently glared daggers towards him. "Ah, the Lightners, have you come to humiliate me," The Spade King said gruffly. 'You deserve it after what you did to Y/N,' Kris wanted to say but kept it to themselves(♡). "Mr. King, the Lightners returned everyone here safely," Ralsei advised him. "If you're willing to reconsider, then.." Ralsei politely offered. "What? Live in a kingdom ruled by YOU? The Lightners' little patsy? Staying in this cell is far less humiliating," The King scoffed. "Ralsei is a great ruler! Everyone would rather have him as a King instead of you as far as I've heard," Y/N said back. Kris stared at her, admiring her courage for defending Ralsei, who gave a look of awe and gratitude. "Haha, well said new kid. Besides, we aren't the ones in the cell, or drinking from a giant bottle," Susie chuckled. "Susie? Y/N?" Ralsei silently gasped. "Do not speak such things of the Royal bottle!" The King growled angrily as he went up to the water bottle defensively. "Now if you will excuse me, my giant hamster wheel is getting cold," The King finished their conversation. Kris, without a second thought, started to head out with the rest of the group.

A Cyber's World | Book 2 of IBFY | Deltarune: Kris x Fem Reader |Where stories live. Discover now