Chp 6 - Ultimate Transformation

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Greetings! Back with another chapter =)
Also an update! Please check out the "Before You Read" section to check out my design for Kris in the Light World if you want :D Tell me what you think of it if you checked it out

In due time, I'll be drawing more designed (Next: Dark World Kris)

Also expect a new POV here ;)

Anyways enjoy the chp!

!Art Above made by @wata_lemon03 on Insta!


   Y/N's POV

Y/N was beyond amazed by what this Dark World had. A shining city in the distance illuminated brightly. "C'mon guys!" Susie hurried the three impatiently, full of exhilaration. Y/N shook her head briefly, a grin winning over and anticipation. Kris motioned Y/N and Ralsei to follow them. And so they did, the four trekking on the Cyber Field.

   When out of nowhere, two Werewires swung in. Y/N couldn't tell, but if she had to guess, they seem to be tired by their slow and raggedy movements. Y/N heard Kris order the team to defend, while Ralsei casted his Pacify spell on one of the Werewires. It was brilliant. Now only one Werewire remained.

   Repeating the same plan, the Lightners succeeded. Two Werewires were now recruited. Y/N was relieved they were getting the hang of it, battling these new enemies.

   After their trek and finding items, Y/N gazed strangely towards the 3 random teacups. 'I'm pretty certain we're supposed to ride these,' Y/N thought to herself. "Cmon let's get on," Susie motioned. 'There's only 3 teacups though,' Y/N paused. Without a second passing, "You can sit with me," Kris offered, avoiding their gaze and having a light tint on their cheeks. Y/N could feel the heat warming up her cheeks. But without a thought she smiled. "Of course," She said. Jumping in, landing on the seats, they sat comfortably in the teacups. Then, the teacups starting rising. Kris who had control of the ride, moved the teacups, until the ride went up faster and faster. The teacups came to a halt, and the group was met with a new area. Jumping out, Kris led them onward.

   The team approached the grid, and Y/M easily spotted the flying DJ on his set. Once he spotted the team, he flew off to who knows where. More grids were up ahead with falling notes. And beyond that was another ride of teacups.

   After their trek across the cyber field, there stood a stand of a book. A specific page was open, When they gazed at curiously, Ralsei spoke up. "Oh Kris! It's a free editable Cyberpedia. I'll add an entry." Once he finished, he went up to the book and wrote his entry. Y/N staring at it strangely while it looks like Kris was reading it. Sneaking a glance, Y/N could read the words. "From now on, defeating enemies with violence will make them Lost. Lost enemies cannot be Recruits ever again. But, the bonds you break may make you stronger." Y/N gulped at the thought, but she was relieved that she and her friends weren't set on fighting anyone.

   Once they were done reading the book, they passed multiple screens, until a white and blue enemy jumped out.

   Tasques crossed your path!

   A cat like creature blocked their path. In Y/N's opinion, they looked kinda cute. Kris ordered Ralsei to talk in a soft voice, and the other two to defend. "There there, it's okay, little kitty," Ralsei said soothingly with a friendly smile. "Isn't that how he normally talks?" Susie commented. To admit, he did sound normal. After their act, the Tasques attacked once Susie's soul went into the battle field. One of the Tasques meowed loudly, while the other threw yarn balls towards her. Successfully, Susie was able to leave untouched. Tasque was beeping dangerously. The team was able to spare the Tasques and recruit them.

A Cyber's World | Book 2 of IBFY | Deltarune: Kris x Fem Reader |Where stories live. Discover now