Oneshot - Lovesick

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Were back with another oneshot, this request by @Perfect_ash
I actually adored this idea so I tried my best to make this a great oneshot

It was actually inspired by my sickness last week since I was real sick and let me tell you... It felt like hell, but it was inspired by other chapters like this

Also... heavy fluff warning ahead..!

This is not a long one but I hope it's enjoyable time read

Bonus Question: What is your favorite chapter in "It Beats For You" (Book One)?

ALMOST FORGOT, Y/P here stands for Your Pronoun
So yes for this Oneshot, this reader is well, any gender that you prefer, so if you have pronouns that you prefer then you can!

!Art Above not made by me!

Y/N's POV:

It was a warm day, birds were chirping, flowers were blooming, and it was getting closer to summer. Y/N was heading to Kris's house, Y/P  planned their hangout last week and Y/N couldn't wait. Once Y/P  arrived to their home, Y/P knocked on the door. Y/P waited patiently, but no response came nor did anybody welcome Y/P in. Y/P knew it was wrong, but Y/P decided to try to open the door, to find that it was unlocked. Carefully walking in, Y/P found that the house was open, and Toriel wasn't here. 'Maybe she's at the grocery store again,' Y/N thought. "Kris?" Y/N called out, looking for the brunette. "You aren't playing a prank like last time are you?" You recalled, when narrowing your eyes suspiciously. But the teen didn't jump out to spook you and all was silent. 'Maybe they're upstairs,' Y/N wondered. Going up the stairs Y/P was in front of Kris's room.

Y/P knocked on the door, making sure it was okay to come in. "Kris? Are you in there?" Y/N checked. No response. Taking a deep breath, Y/P walked in. It was dim in the room, but not too dark. The curtains blocked the sunlight from fully lighting up the room. On one side of the room, there were trophies lined up on shelves, pictures, and glow in the dark lights. Yet, on the other side, it was bland and empty. Just a desktop with a lampshade, and a bed. And on that bed, laid Kris. Who was still dressed in their usual green, yellow-striped, sweater and brown pants.

Going over to their bed, Y/N inspected them. "Kris? Are you awake? I came by like we planned, to hangout," Y/N told them with worry. Although Y/P couldn't see their sleeping face, Y/N couldn't help but admire how adorable they looked while sleeping. Kris shuffled when they heard Y/P. They moved their blanket out of the way a little and Y/N could now get a better look. Their hair was slightly messy, and their skin looked a little more player An ice pack was placed on their head, under their maroon bangs. Y/N's eyes widened at the state they were in. "You're sick!?" Y/N exclaimed. Kris gave a slight, yet guilty nod. Y/N knelt down, in front of Kris at the foot of their bed. Y/P took off their ice pack to feel their head. They were hot. "You have a fever," Y/N stated the obvious. Y/P E/C eyes rounded with concern.

Kris's POV:

Pain everywhere. That's what Kris felt. Their body hurt, their throat was a mess, their nose felt clogged, and they felt hot. Everything was checked out to be extremely sick. And Kris hated it. Sure, sleeping in wasn't something they would complain, but the after effects and conditions were the worst. Especially when they and Y/N had planned to hang out. Kris's mother had went to the store to buy more medicine and more ingredients. She had told them to stay in bed and rest for now. 'Note to self, don't go diving in the lake with Susie again,' Kris scolded themselves. But they had to admit, they couldn't turn down a dare and it was something worthwhile.

Their eyes slightly watery from the sickness, Kris could see the blurry image of Y/N gazing at them worriedly towards them. "Y/N?" Kris mumbled. The hole of emptiness in their heart was suddenly gone when they had seen her. Y/P eyes averted to them once they spoke Y/N name. Kris then noticed Y/P palm on their forehead. A blush threatened to warm up Kris's cheeks. "Sorry," they murmured, their voice croaking and their throat stinging once they spoke a little more loudly. Their face slightly scrunched up from the pain. "It's okay Kris, I'll just have to take care of you then," Y/N told them confidently. "No, it's okay Y/N, we can still ha-" Kris sat up from their bed, giving their protest, until their coughing overcame them. Hands were placed on their shoulders. "Kris don't worry. We can still hang out while I take care of you," Y/N smiled. And Y/P were close. Y/P seemed to notice as Y/P backed away, Y/P face reddening. Seeing Y/P flustered made Kris's heart flutter and adore Y/P even more.

A Cyber's World | Book 2 of IBFY | Deltarune: Kris x Fem Reader |Where stories live. Discover now