Chp 9 - Ride of a Lifetime

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I have returned! Finally! With a new chapter
Now you're probably thinking, what took so long? Where have you been?
Writers block can hit you real hard and that's happened

That's one reason why it took long to update, however I've been secretly writing 3 chapters! 3!
Also holy [CUNGADERO] 24k reads in the prequel and 4k reads here!
Thank you for reading, or just really checking this out
I've been reading each comments, and you guys are hilarious lol

Anyways, enough ranting!

Enjoy the chapter!

!Art above by @angusburgers on Insta!


Berdly rides in!

They were really going to fight him. The team's soul hovered above their chest. But Y/N had confidence. Berdly has never been in the Dark World long enough like them. Plus it was 3 against 1..they have a chance to win. Yet, the twist and turns of the coaster ride said otherwise. Y/N almost lost her balance again. They couldn't fight while on this ride. "Kris, any ideas?" Susie asked expectantly towards them. They stared ahead monotonously, examing Berdly who stood confidently and looking snarky.

Another turn. The city roared passed the team and their enemy. Kris mumbled something but the screeches of the rails was louder. "Kris!?" Ralsei hurried them. "Bump onto his cart.." They said more clearly. Y/N's eyebrows stretched upwards, now understanding. Everyone agreed, and they were ready. The whole gang will bump onto Berdly's cart. Steadying herself and bracing for impact, she felt her coaster move faster than usual. One by one, the Heroes bumped onto Berdly's coaster. He had a look of exasperation as he almost fell down in his coaster. He frowned and gripped his axe tighter. Y/N smiled vistoriously as they found out a way to defeat him mercifully. "Kris, I get why you're getting in my way! You're jealous, aren't you!?" Berdly concluded with a smirk and a mocking laugh. Y/N was puzzled, and it seemed like Kris was too...well at least she thought. They just stared at him as if he looked crazy. Everyone's souls went back to their rightful owner, except Kris's. Before they could react, Berdly sent huge winds of tornados on their way. Kris's swiftly dodged the harsh winds, dodging most of Berdly's attack.

His eyes furrowed with annoyance to see that he didn't deal enough damage as he thought. "My Queen! I would love some assistance to squash these no-brainers!" Berdly called Queen for help. "Oh Uh I'm Sick And Icky. You Can Defeat Them On Your Own," Queen called in sick. 'Can computers even get sick?' Y/N thought. But she knew better to see that Queen was lying. But Berdly believed her anyway.

Taking their chance, everyone bumped their coasters onto Berdly's car. "Kris, you're tired of being the class no. 3 gazing distantly at Noelle and I's fruited figures," He said wistfully as if he was the only one in the world. 'More like tired of listening you talk,' Kris muttered internally, but kept it to themselves. They didnt even know they were no. 3 nor cared. This time, everyone's souls came out once again. Berdly then sent A+ assignments sending straight their way. There was hardly any space to dodge them or it was hard to tell where they would land. Y/N struggled as she got hit a few times. 'I can't believe that pieces of paper could do much damage..' Y/N winced from the large scratches that were formed from this attack.

Y/N glared at the bluebird. She shouldn't have underestimated him. As Y/N I inspected Berdly, she didn't notice him asking Queen about snacks. "Hey Queen, what snacks do we have at home?"
Kris ordered to bump into Berdly again. Bracing for impact again, they hit his cart one by one. He yelped with surprise from the attack.

He narrowed his eyes and held his flaring axe the opposite way. "So rather than ever STUDYING, you'd enlist Susie to take us down!" Berdly accused towards Kris. He is then started to focus.
'Why is he holding it like that?' Y/N wondered, almost failing to notice that everyone's souls were brought into battle.

A Cyber's World | Book 2 of IBFY | Deltarune: Kris x Fem Reader |Where stories live. Discover now