It's just you and me

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Minho x Felix shortstory

TW: mentions of Anxiety and Panic Attack
(Please understand this is just my interpretation of anxiety and how i experience it personally so if you think something doesn't add up feel free to message me <33)

Today was a weird day or that's what Felix thought at least. His chest felt tight and his mind wouldn't stop racing. The atmosphere had changed and the air seemed thick and heavy. But what annoyed Felix the most was that his clothes didn't seem to fit right on his skin, everything was a bit too loud and the sun shined a bit too bright today. Today was the first day the group had a day off after a long time so Felix just shrugged his uneasy feeling off and blamed his symptoms on the weather. Felix flopped on his bed and closed his eyes. He shared a room with Jisung and sighed. Hopefully Jisung wouldn't get the idea to suddenly bake brownies in the middle of the night again.
'Maybe I am just being dramatic today?' Felix thought.
The day went on and Felix found himself growing more and more anxious, not that he would ever mention that to the others.
Suddenly a hand was placed on his shoulder and he flinched since he was so stuck in his mind that he didn't even hear someone entering.
"YahYongbok, you okay?'', Jisung asked. His eyes looked concerned but he decided to shrug it off.
"Hyung...", Felix started, "don't you think today feels off?" He fiddled with his sleeves and his eyes were unfocused and tired. Jisung laughed. "No, not really. Maybe you should try to relax today Lixie, maybe it's just that you don't have dancing lessons today. I promise everything is fine today so relax okay?"
Felix nodded. "Yeah I guess you're right..."


After Jisung and Felix played a few rounds of Uno, Minho decided that it's time for dinner. "Yah brats, dinner's ready, come and eat before I kick your butts!"
Felix laughed and dragged Jisung with him. As everyone was seated, one member was still missing. Chan, who as always ignored having a day off, had not come to dinner yet.
"Please, that man is always overworking, can someone get his ass over here?" Minho complained. "Alright, let me go get him." Felix stood up and sprinted to Chan's room. Chan was sitting on his bed and tapping aggressively on his laptop. "Channie, dinner's ready and everyone is waiting for you."
Hearing the sudden voice speaking, he perked up. "Oh hi Lixie i didnt even notice you there haha what did you say again?" "Minho is having you for dinner.", Felix answered, his voice being dead serious. Chan gasped and stood up as fast as lightning hits. Felix laughed and dragged Chan with him. "Come on, I was joking.What I was saying is that dinner's ready."
Finally all the members were assembled for dinner. Jisung, who was impatiently waiting, started shoving all the food in his mouth. "You disgust me, please slow down.", Seungmin said and glared at Jisung. Suddenly the table went quiet and Minho spoke up. "Yah Felix, you okay? You barely touched your food and you look kinda dusty not gonna lie now." "What the heck does dusty even mean-", Jeongin asked but was cut off. "I'm fine, I just feel a little sick that's all." Felix answered and rubbed his belly. He indeed felt sick and his stomach made weird noises. 'Ugh, am I sick?' he thought. For the sake of his stomach he decided to eat as little as possible to not irritate his maybe sick stomach. "I- i think i am going to bed now.", he suddenly said and ran away without waiting for any answers. In his room he flopped on his bed and instantly started to cry. "What the actual frick is going on today?!"
After having cried for what felt like a million years to Felix, he felt exhausted and he fell asleep.

Meanwhile with the others

"Did something happen or why does he act so weird today?", Minho asked. "To be honest, he was already like this the whole day...", Jisung answered and sighed. "Yeah i noticed too, he is looking a bit pale today so let's let him rest for now. I will keep an eye on him", Chan added. "Simp.", Hyunjin just added and continued eating his pork.
While the others decided to end the day with a movie, Chan decided to look after Felix one last time before going to sleep himself. As soon as he entered Felix room he saw Felix curled up in his bed snoring lightly. Chan smiled and lightly closed the door again. 'He'll be fine for now' he thought and went to bed.


The members all watched Ironman 1-3 per Hyunjins request.
Jisung got tired quickly after having to watch three movies so he walked to his and Felixs room. Hopefully Yongbok feels better now. While entering the room he heard Felix stir in his bed. "No, no please don't! I promise i'll do better, i'll learn more and sing better please let me stay!" Felix begged, still asleep. Jisung rushed to his side and tried waking him up. "Wake up Felix, please wake up, you're just dreaming. Come on man!", Jisung almost screamed. Despite Jisungs efforts Felix still didn't wake up. Jisung started to panic and ran to get Chan. Bolting through Chan door, Chan immediately woke up being the light sleeper he is. He was greeted by a panicked Jisung and was immediately alerted. "Jisung is everything okay? What happened?"Chan asked. "It's Felix." Chan got up, now panicked himself and ran to Felix's room. What he saw entering Felix's room was breaking his heart. Felix, still asleep, was mumbling something about studying better and that he was trying. Chan walked up to Felix and shook him awake. "Hey mate, wake up, you're having a nightmare."Chan whispered. Felix woke up but was a crying mess and looked through the room searching something. "Jisung get Minho here. Now.", he told Jisung who instantly ran to get him. "Felix, look at me, you're safe. No one is coming to get you, it's okay. It's okay." Chan tried to comfort his Aussie friend. After a while a worried Minho appeared and ran to Felix. "Come on Jisung, let me take you to my room." Chan said and left the room.
Minho held Felix close to himself. "Baby it's okay. You're safe with me. It's just you and me. I will protect you. You were having a nightmare baby, relax.", Minho told Felix and stroked his hair. Felix gripped Minho's shirt, seeming to never let go. Seeing Felix so sad and scared, hurt Minho more than he realized and he held Felix closer until his breaths went back to normal.
"Lixie look at me, do you want to talk about it?", he asked. Felix nodded.
"You remember when we were kicked out-", Felix said, his voice small and vulnerable. Minho nodded and Felix began telling him how he would have throwbacks from then and feel very anxious at times. Minho listened closely, trying to stop himself from crying as well. After a pause, Minho spoke up. "Felix, whenever you feel like this always find me yeah? I will not leave you behind. (IFYKYK 🥲🥲chan bro be making us sad all the time) I know it was tough but you know we made it. We actually made it and no one is going to kick us out again because if they do, we'll leave all together. We're a group and we'll stick together okay? So if you feel anxious again speak to someone, it doesn't have to be me but just don't keep it inside. You know Jisung deals with Anxiety as well so you can also speak with him. You're not alone in this okay. We love you Felix. I love you so much." Felix smiled and wiped his tears once again. Minho hugged him close until Felix pushed Minho away. "Minho hyung, i also love you so much so please, let's stick together in this." Minho nodded and Felix hugged him again. "Let's go to sleep baby.", Minho said and layed down still holding Felix close. So as the house grew quiet again, the other worried members knew that Felix would be okay. And so would Minho. The moon shined as bright as never before and maybe they should feel sad but they didn't. For them it turned out okay and they slept in peace for the night.

Author's note:
Hello fellow stays so this was my first story please dont mind the grammar mistakes english is not my first language. I hope you like this story and if you want to request something just tell me i'll do what i can. Haha i felt like using Chan's famous words for Minho instead since both of them well had to leave but THANK GOD ARE BACK. But yeah enjoy!

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