That's my boy

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Chan x Felix

TW: none

To say Felix was bored was an understatement. The last few hours consisted of Felix lying on his bed and watching the ceiling. All members except his roommate Chan are out and eating. But Chan being Chan was stuck on editing his work, not that Felix minded, he just wished someone was there to entertain him. The ceiling didn't reveal anything exciting to Felix so he decided to go and make himself some food. Walking in the kitchen, a blanket wrapped around him like a burrito, he encountered a surprised Chan. "Well hello little burrito." Chan laughed. Felix sighed. "What's up Lixie?'' Chan asked. "Nothing, I am just suuuuuper bored and staring at the ceiling for two hours didn't help with that." Felix sighed again. "Hm, you know you could have just asked me though." Chan said a little disappointed. "Yeah but you worked and i didn't wanna disturb your flow." Felix explained. "Lixie, you know that I would have made time for you if I knew you were so bored." Chan replied. Felix nodded and made himself some popcorn. He waited and noticed Chan leaving the kitchen. 'There he goes again to do his work ugh' Felix thought sadly. The house was quiet which was more unusual than normal. Normally there would be Minho and Changbin shouting or rapping, Jisung looking and screaming at a squirrel outside the window desperate to show someone, Seungmin would cuss at Jisung to be quiet and Jeongin would watch cartoons on full blast volume and well Chan would first try to make the members listen but then give up and leave. It was nice having the house grow quiet for once but at the same time it sucked because Felix had no one to talk to except a busy Chan. The microwave beeped and Felix took his popcorn, putting them in a bowl. Slowly Felix walked back to his boring room where he would stare at the boring white ceiling. 'Today is international boredom day' he thought. Or so he thought because when he entered the room, the room looked different. There was a big fort and fairy lights around it. "What in the-" Felix said being surprised. "Surprise! We will watch 'Howl's moving castle' now, since you like it so much. I just had to set up the beamer. You got the popcorn right?" Chan asked, being super happy himself. He noticed he needed some break from working too and why not spend it with someone so precious to him. Felix realized just now what happened and started bouncing around. "Channie, did you really make this for me? Are we actually watching the movie? Omg i love studio ghibli movieeeessss!!!" Felix basically shouted from joy. Chan just waited till Felix's little happy dance ended and then patted next to him in the fort. "Come on Lixie, let's watch the movie." Chan smiled. This is perfect. Once Felix was comfortable lying in the fort Chan started the movie. As the movie went on Felix's eyes were practically glued to the screen. I mean who doesn't love Howl and Sophie? They are THE dream couple everyone strives to be or that was at least what Felix thought. Chan on the other hand wasn't paying attention to the movie at all, he was busy staring at his little sunshine. When Felix's favorite scene came on screen he talked along Howl saying 'That's my girl.' Chan smiled fondly. "Yah, am i that interesting or why do you keep staring at me?" Felix asked. "Oh yeah no you just have something on your face." Chan panicked being caught by Felix. 'Stupid why would i say that' Chan cursed at himself. "Oh i do? Where?"Felix asked again, searching for the thing he apparently had on his face. "Here let me help you." Chan said while brushing over Felix's lips wiping away the non existing thing Felix had on his face. "Thanks" Felix smiled and turned back to the movie. Chan sighed. Felix turned his head confused to why Chan sighed. "Lixie, you look way too cuddly right now." Chan pouted. Felix laughed and snuggled himself into Chan's arms. "Hyung you could have just said you wanted to cuddle." Felix remarked. The older one just huffed to which Felix laughed out loud. "You big baby." Felix uttered. Chan smiled and hugged Felix close. After half an hour he heard someone lightly snore and he smiled. He once read somewhere on the internet that when someone feels sleepy or falls asleep around you their inner child feels safe and Chan believed that. He loved Felix with his whole heart and if there is something he wants to believe then it is that Felix felt safe around him. Stroking the younger's hair he kissed his forehead and saw Felix smile. "That's my boy." Chan stated and felt himself feel tired as well. Still holding Felix, he fell asleep. If this was love, he wanted to hold onto it forever. The warmness, the smiles and the fact that Felix laid in his arms made Chan realise that he was indeed loved very much. No matter how much someone hated the group, as long as he had Felix by his side he would be able to ignore the hate and even grow stronger than ever.
"Hey, this is unfair, why are you chilling in a fort without me-" "Shh Jisung let them be!" "Pft okay Minho"

Author's note:
So this one was a little shorter but i hope you enjoyed it either way<33
Why can ceiling's sometimes be entertaining tho like?!?

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