It's okay to feel anxious

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Minho x Felix feat. Jisung

TW: Mentions of anxiety
(This is just my own experience with anxiety so it can be different for you but i tried my best)

The plane was taking off. Today Straykids was flying to the United States of America. Felix was excited to say the least. His dream was always to see New York in real life but at the same time he was scared of the interviews waiting there. He was nervously bopping his leg up and down and just couldn't keep still. Minho, who was sitting beside him, was getting slightly annoyed. He couldn't sleep well before the flight so he was trying to catch up on sleep now instead. "Felix baby, is it possible for you to calm down for the rest of the flight? I am trying to sleep, you know." "Oh yeah of course, let me just uh" Felix squirmed around trying to find himself a comfy spot so he wouldn't be so anxious. Felix stopped when he felt a warm hand on his thighs. "It's okay, just relax." Minho sighed and Felix started to relax. While Minho finally seemed to have fallen asleep, Felix felt his anxiety rise again. The other members all seemed to be asleep besides Chan who intensely stared at his beloved laptop. Felix wanted to talk to someone about his current feelings but now that he saw how busy Chan looked, he decided against it. The young idol fiddled with his hands and decided to try to read a book. Without success, he just sat around and waited for the plane to arrive. After five more hours, the plane finally landed. Felix felt exhausted and starved. As well, he now felt a huge wave of tiredness but tried to ignore that. He wouldn't want to seem like a burden to the others.

Minho's POV.:
"Felix, are you alright? You look very tired."Chan asked. My head had never moved that quick. I glanced at Felix while waiting for an answer to Chan's question. Something isn't right, he was acting off on that plane. "What?" Felix suddenly asked as if he didn't hear Chan asking. "He asked if you are alright because you look really tired." I said before Chan could repeat. "Ah I'm fine, why wouldn't I be? It's probably the jetlag kicking in, don't worry." Felix answered, smiling widely. Yeah, something really is off. Chan nodded at me and I understood. Time to find out what's wrong...
We got in the car and drove to the hotel that we'll be staying at. In two days we have lots of interviews coming up but tomorrow we have a day off. Seungmin was talking about doing some sightseeing and Jisung wanted to go eat somewhere. Right now, there was a furious Jeongin discussing with Jisung over which restaurant would have the best food. Everything was normal except for Felix. Felix sat on the backseat, his eyes watching the city and his leg again bouncing nervously. Suddenly I noticed a tear escaping his eye which he immediately wiped away. I gasped. Maybe I gasped a bit loud because now there was silence and the members were looking at me weirdly. "I didn't know you were so excited to see America..." Jeongin said but the rest looked at where I was looking. Felix looked like a mess. His legs bobbing up and down, his eyes glassy and his fingers picked his nail skin. Felix seemed to feel the stares and turned to us.
"Chris, can I share a room with Minho Hyung?" He asked. Chan nodded and gave me the look. The look was always used when Felix was being weird and I knew exactly what to do. Arriving at the hotel I dragged a tired Felix behind myself and placed my stuff on one of the beds in our room.
"Felix, come one what's wrong?"I asked but he just shook his head. I will try again later.


No one's POV.:
It was evening now and the boys sat in a quiet restaurant down the street. Felix was seated next to Minho while Chan was on the other side of Felix. There was a wild conversation going on but Jisung was quiet. He observed his favorite twin intensely.  Jisung, who knows anxiety and has it himself, knew now what was up with Felix. He most likely feels anxious. Now that he thought of it, it is probably because of the interviews. Felix had a bad experience with them and maybe it was catching up to him.
"Minho hyung, we need to talk." Jisung started and walked up the room. Minho followed hesitantly. "What's up?" He asked. "I think Felix is feeling really really anxious. I know the signs and he is acting just like I sometimes do. He needs a little support. You got this right?" Jisung explained. It was finally adding up in Minho's head so he nodded. "I'll take it from here. Thanks for telling me though because he refused to tell me what's wrong." Jisung smiled sadly. "Yeah he kind of does that a lot huh?"
Heading inside Minho spoke up again.
"I'm gonna go back to the hotel, I'm super tired. Felix, you coming?" "Oh yeah."
And so the two boys headed back. Suddenly Minho stopped.
"Felix, I know you feel anxious but I promise you can tell me everything. It doesn't matter how small it is, okay?" He said.
Felix looked up for the first time today. His tears started escaping his eyes and he finally let his emotions run free.
"Hyung, i feel so nervous, it's like i only have these bad thoughts about what could happen and they don't stop. I tried talking but on that plane you guys were so tired so I didn't want to be a burden but it only got worse." He cried. Minho's heart shattered into a million pieces. He didn't realize it was this bad. "Come here." He said and opened his arm. Felix crashed into his hug and was holding on like his life depended on it.
"You see Felix, it is always and I mean always okay to talk to us. You should never feel like a burden because you aren't. Wake me or the others up at night, cry as much as you need to, we'll be there. It's okay to feel anxious, we'll help. Let's head back and sleep, you must be tired." Minho explained and patted Felix back. They got an uber and Minho carried Felix all back to their room. They fell asleep in each other's arms and fell asleep. Minho whispered: "I'll always be here for you, my beautiful, beautiful boy."
Felix smiled. He was okay. Minho got his back.

Author's note: This was my last story, i hoped you liked it oop cuz i wrote this at like 4 am so pardon me if it was not that good anyways stay safe my loves

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