We'll keep you safe

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Jisung x Felix feat. Straykids

TW: Hate comments (please don't hate on me i am just using this for the story i love Felix and wish him nothing but good so just ignore the hate comments we all know they are not true)

Today was the first time after a long time that all the members did a live together. While everyone was happy to see Stay again, Felix was terrified. For a week Felix was getting hate comments. He didn't even know when they started but ever since they did, Felix felt utterly alone and guilty. The comments were all the same. "You don't deserve the second chance, you just should have stayed away."
"Straykids doesn't need him." "You are ugly, Felix." "He can't even speak proper korean." "They were better off without him." Felix shrugged his bad feelings off, i mean Stays were sweet, polite and caring. The ones that hated on him weren't real Stays or were they? Felix was getting anxious until Chan started the live and welcomed all Stays. Jisung was sitting beside Felix, observing him. Felix's hands were shaking, he tried to hide it but it was obvious that he felt uncomfortable. Jisung was confused. What was it that made Felix so uncomfortable? He was usually the one who was the most hyper when it came to talking to Stays but today he was quiet and nervously observed the comments. "So today we'll play a game and that is that you, Stay, will ask us questions and we'll answer them. But please be aware that we'll only answer appropriate questions." Stays were going crazy in the comments and Minho laughed. "Calm down Stays!" He said and found one question that was directed to Seungmin. "Seungmin, what did you do last weekend?" Minho read out loud. "I slept, i ate and i slayed." Seungmin answered and shrugged. "Next." Chan laughed and added how Straykids was having a break last weekend. Minho laughed and said that Chan was working anyways. Jeongin was rolling his eyes. "Isn't he always working though? I wouldn't be surprised seeing him work while he's taking a shit." He said, leaving Jisung and Changbin whipping their heads to him. "Yah, yah this is getting out of hand. Next question." Minho interrupted the scene and picked a new question. "Jisung, are you eating healthy and taking care of yourself?" He read out loud again and Jisung smiled. "I am taking good care of myself, don't worry Stay. I hope you are eating enough and healthy as well. You might as well get a glass of water now. Stay hydrated Stays!" He smiled and did the heart finger. And just like this it moved on, each member got a question but still Felix was the only one who didn't get a question. Jisung decided to speak up. "What about Felix, don't you have questions for him too?" He asked, raising his eyebrows. Minho nodded and looked at the screen again. What he saw made him mad. All he saw was hate towards his precious Felix but he remained calm and searched for a nice question to give Felix. Felix on the other hand tensed up knowing Minho was seeing all the comments. Jisung, who was eyeing Felix, noticed his hands trembling again. Something's wrong, this isn't like Felix at all. The other noticed too, Chan was panicking too because Felix was just all quiet and all he did was nodd. Jisung tried many times to involve Felix in the conversation but Felix only replied short and simple. Everyone could feel the heaviness in the air. It was different when Felix didn't talk as much as usual. Stay's noticed too and many were worried but of course there were haters again spamming all they could to drag poor Felix down. Felix was close to just crying right there on the spot but was looking at his shoes instead. Jisung patted his back but that just made it worse. The staff was of course observing the whole scene and told them to slowly end the live. And Minho was very happy to just do that. As soon as the live ended, Felix ran out the room. To Felix it was embarrassing to even look the members in the eye. I mean why was he even crying it was just some stupid people hating on others because they were insecure but still it hurt. He ran to the bathroom and locked the door breaking down in front of the mirror looking himself in the eyes. Am I really that bad? Not long after there was loud knocking on the door. "Lixie please let me in..." Jisung said, obviously panicking. "No..No, please just go!" Felix screams back scared to let the others see him in such a state and mess. Jisung on the other side of the door backed away shocked. Felix never shouts and if he does it was never like this. Jisung could hear Felix crying and he just wanted to break the door and comfort his twin. Not thinking longer he ran to get the others. "Guys, guys, please come and help. It's Felix." Jisung begged. Hurried, the other members followed Jisung. You could still hear Felix sobbing on the other side and everyone was sad. Chan stepped closer to the door. "Felix mate, can you please open the door for us?" He said. Chan was usually able to make Felix give in. There was a deep sigh before the door opened slowly revealing a teary Felix. "Oh Felix." Minho just said and went up to hug him. And just as that Felix broke down again. He felt so alone these last days and now he was finally being held by someone. It was warm and comforting. The others joined shortly after and from one hug from Minho it turned to a group hug. Felix felt safe and loved. He couldn't wish for more right now so he just held on closer to the others. After some time, Chan spoke up again. "Felix wanna talk about it?" Felix looked to the ground understanding that at some point he'd have to do just that. Talk. And so they did, Felix told the members how before two weeks everything started and just got worse by time and how nervous he was today. Minho was loosing his shit, plotting murder with Changbin but Chan just shook his head and asked. "Felix why didn't you tell me?" "I thought I had it under control." Felix answered, which led to Jisung hugging him once more. After Chan told the staff and they said they'll take care of it, the members went to bed. Jisung, who shared a room with Felix, decided to lay with Felix in his bed. He hugged him and told him over and over that none of the comments were true and how much the members loved him, how much he loved him. Felix nodded and hid his head in Jisungs shoulders. "Go to sleep baby, we'll keep you safe." Jisung whispered. Shortly after, they fell asleep and had peaceful dreams laying in each other's embrace. After all a simple hug can cure sadness for some time but Jisung promised himself to look after his twin and make sure he'll never see Felix that sad. Straykids knew that they had haters but they also knew that Stay always had their back and if Stays were hating on one member specifically they were not a Stay. Because Stays loved the group as a whole and that was what made Straykids the happiest. Straykids loved Stays and Stays loved Straykids, simple as that.

Authors note: well well well here we are again, i dont even know if anyone reads it but it's fun to write. Have you guys eaten yet? I hope you did and you are all healthy! Stay safe ly !!!

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