What's wrong?

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Felix x Minho

TW: uh none i think

Sometimes you just want to sit there and do nothing. That was what Felix was feeling today. He didn't want to leave his bed at all. The boy wanted to stare at his wall all day long. Felix mind was foggy and filled with sadness. It was one of these days, where Felix just couldn't help it but ask all those what if questions in his head.
What if he hadn't come back to Straykids ?
What if he just practiced harder back then ?
What if he never got eliminated?
What if .. what if.. what if-
He shook his head. The idol knew better than to continue thinking all these different outcomes. So with that, Felix stood up and waddled to the bathroom where he jumped in the shower. The water was warm and felt comforting.

On the other side of the dorm, Changbin was making pancakes. He knew the members liked it but because of their strict dieting they couldn't eat it very often. The smell of pancakes filled the air and soon the members gathered in the dining room.

"Oh, this actually smells good for once!" Seungmin enthusiastically said.

Jisung rolled his eyes. "It's not my fault the muffins exploded! How could i have known that garlic muffins wasn't actually a thing?!"

"Han everyone knows that. It is common sense, dipshit." Minho added.

"Minho, Language! And sit down everyone." Chan's voice boomed.

Scanning the room Hyunjin found an unusual quiet Felix. Normally the boy would always stand on his twins side and even defend garlic muffins but he was quiet now and almost seemed distant. Felix's eyes were gloomy and unfocused. He pushed his food around and again seemed in deep thoughts. Hyunjin had enough.

"Felix, what's wrong?" He asked.

Felix sighed. "I don't know, hyung. Listen, thanks Changbin but I think I will go back to my room."

The members were quiet. Minho watched Felix leave until he spoke up again.

"I know what this is. Let me take care of it."

Shortly after, he vanished and followed the other boy. Minho had close contact with Felix after the elimination. He knew exactly what this was all about. Felix had always had a difficult time dealing with the elimination. He would call Minho and cry or rant about all the what if's. To stop the boy, Minho would hang out with Felix and hug him. At Felix's door, he knocked.

A sad voice answered. "Who is it?"

"Felix it's me. Minho." Minho said.

Felix opened the door and let the older in. Minho didn't speak but Felix knew that he knew. And just like that, something broke inside of Felix and he cried like there was no tomorrow.

Minho welcomed Felix in his arms and soothingly stroke his hair. His voice was quiet when he spoke again. "Shhh, it's okay. I understand. Let it out, yeah? Let's get you to bed."

Felix was led to the bed and the boys laid down. He still wouldn't let go of Minho but to be honest the boy had nothing against it. Felix soon fell into a deep slumber and Minho quietly left the room.
Outside he was met with a lot of curious members.

"What was all that about?" Chan asked his worry dominating his voice.

Changbin nodded. "Yeah, is he okay? Is he sick?"

"No, he is not sick. Look, Felix sometimes has these days when he just doesn't feel good because of the elimination back then. It wasn't an easy time for us but it hit Felix even harder." Minho explained.

He was met with a lot of sad and worried expressions. The members all decided to be more aware of each others feelings. In the evening they set up a movie night and Felix even joined them. He was snuggled up between Chan and Minho. Surrounded by love his day turned to better now. After all, Felix knew he made it for good. He was a part of Straykids and no one would be able to change that.

Authors note: I know this story maybe feels a bit repetitive but i had this in my drafts and decided to upload it! This is the end of this book and i am sincerely thanking everyone who read it and voted for it! I love y'all to the sun and back! Stay safe<33

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