Where is he ?

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Chan x Changbin x Felix

TW: none

It was slowly becoming winter in Korea. The coldness started making itself noticeable and frost was almost everywhere to be seen. Felix yawned snuggling deeper into his warm bed. "Felix, wake up!" Chan demanded and Felix groaned. "But it's cold." He protested. "Come on, up with you!" Chan said, dragging the bed sheets off Felix. Groaning, the sleepy boy stood up and made his way downstairs to the dining room. While everyone was waiting to start breakfast, Felix didn't even notice them. All he had eyes for was the beautiful colors outside. The world has changed its colors to a warm red tone. Felix loved Autumn, in fact it was his favorite season of the year. Autumn to him meant wearing warm hoodies, hot tea and chocolate, chilling at the fire and most of all, lots of hugging his members. When autumn arrives, so do Felix hug attacks. Sure, Felix is always kind of close to the others in that part but in autumn he feels cold fast so he usually just hugs the first person near him. "Yah stop staring Felix and come here to eat!" Minho sighed. Felix sat down and nibbed on his toast. "I want to go shopping today." He mumbled. "I'll come with you!" Changbin offered and smiled. "I'm coming too. I need a new laptop." Chan explained. "Again?" Seungmin laughed. Chan just glared at Seungmin which instantly made him shut up. "I'll get dressed then." Felix cut them off. Racing through the cold halls of their dorm he arrived in his room. It was finally time to use all his precious hoodies. Some or most of them were stolen but the others didn't mind. Felix searched for his most loved hoodie which was one from Changbin. It had a forest kind of green and was big and cozy. On Felix it looked almost three sizes too big but that's what he loved the most. Other than that Felix decided to grab his Christmas socks. Even though it was just September he loved his Christmas socks and September wouldn't stop him from wearing them. As he ran downstairs the other two were already waiting. "I'm driving." Chan smiled and got the keys. The drive was silent but comfortable. Felix continued staring at the beautiful scenery nature gave him and Changbin admired him. And well Chan was focused on the road. Shortly after they arrived at the mall, the excitement took over. "I am going to Apple so let's meet up here in, let's say 30 minutes again?" Chan said and took off. "Felix i am going to grab some new stuff for writing and stuff so see you later okay?" Changbin added. Felix nodded. He knew where he wanted to go. He skipped through the mall and stopped at a clothing shop where he found new hoodies and some cozy pants. He even found a new addition for his Christmas sock collection. He paid for his things and ran to the next shop which was a home decor shop. He sniffed on the autumn candles and found one he liked. It was a pumpkin spice candle which brought him to his next idea. "Starbucks!" He nodded and ran in the direction of the coffee shop. Felix didn't actually like normal coffee but at Starbucks it was okay because they were sweeter than his normal plain coffee. "One Iced Vanilla Latte please!" He smiled. While the boy stood there satisfied with his coffee he totally forgot about the time and panicked. He looked around and noticed that he didn't recognize where he even was. He looked around and panicked even more.

Meanwhile with the others

Chan and Changbin arrived at the spot and showed each other what they got. Chan got a new MacBook and Changbin found a new jacket. "Where is Lixie at? Didn't you go together?" Chan asked, confused. "No, we parted ways at the beginning. Where is he?" Changbin explained. "Let's call him!" The boys worried. After roughly half an hour there was still no sign of Felix. Felix had forgotten his phone and Minho answered it. Minho was beyond mad that they had lost Felix and he swore he'd make meat out of both of them when they arrived at home. "What would Felix do when he would be lost..." Chan started but was cut off by Changbin. "Starbucks!" "Changbin we have no time for Starbucks, Felix is missing right now." "No, I mean he probably is at Starbucks." Chan looked up and nodded. "Let's check there!" So the boys took off and sprinted there. Luckily, Felix was still at the same spot now crying and asking people if they have seen Chan or Changbin. "Felix!" Changbin yelled and opened his arms. "Ah, Hyungs!" he sobbed and hugged the older male. After Chan gave Felix a lecture about forgetting his phone, the boys decided to go home. "This was nice except for the part where I choked on ice and almost died." Felix contently stated while sipping his coffee. "Wait what?" Changbin asked, his face turning pale. "Oh, I just almost died when I drank my coffee too fast and accidentally swallowed a really big piece of ice but then a lady saved me." Felix smiled. Chan was too shocked to say anything at that point. And Changbin prayed that Minho would not find out about that incident. This was a great shopping trip.

Authors note: Well this is very not fitting the season but yeah... I have my exams right now so I am bit of a stressful mess but i hope whoever reads this has a better time
Take care my loves <33

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