Just come here

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Changbin x Felix

TW: none

Straykids were in the United States again. They have been invited to an interview and were now staying at a hotel. Jisung, Jeongin and Chan shared a room and Minho, Hyunjin and Seungmin did. So that left Changbin and Felix. The younger was a pretty light sleeper and since the travel was exhausting enough, Changbin offered to share with Felix since he was a light sleeper as well. Changbin was basically dragging Felix to their room so tired was the boy. He was not even looking at where he was going so Changbin had to lead the way.

"Hyung are we there yet?" The half asleep boy asked again.

Changbin snorted. "You know if you would have opened your eyes you would see?"

"Yeah but what's the fun in that?" Felix laughed but forced his eyes to open.

Both boys gasped at the sight. The room was huge and had big windows. There was also a separate bathroom and toilet. But what shocked them both the most was the king size bed. It was big and there was only one of it so that could only mean one thing.

"You know I could also sleep on the couch over there?" Changbin offered.

Felix frowned to that. "No, share with me!"

"Alright, we'll share then." The older replied.

Changbin didn't mind much but Felix on the other hand was nervous as heck. Felix had that habit of hugging literally anything that was on his bed so that he could sleep. He was afraid he'd hug Changbin by mistake. Felix wasn't sure if the older would like that.

Nervous crept over him and he avoided Changbin the whole day. It wasn't on purpose but whenever Felix felt nervous around someone he tends to avoid them completely. The thing that Felix didn't know was that the others took notice of his behavior a long time ago. When Felix was showering the others had a small meeting.

"So we all are here for the same reason right?" Chan asked and glanced towards Minho.

Minho nodded in agreement. "Felix is doing it again. I think we all noticed."

"Yeah but what possibly could have made him that nervous? Did you say something that upset him?" Jisung wondered.

Changbin thought for a while before he answered. " I don't think so and even if I did Felix would tell me right?"

Seungmin scoffed. "As if! He didn't even tell us when he couldn't sleep for three days because he was nervous and then he ended up having a nervous breakdown."

"Look, let's just let Changbin handle it. You are sharing with Felix after all. Maybe he'll open up. IF this goes on till tomorrow we'll just confront him then." Jeongin explained.

Hyunjin raised his eyesbrows. "Since when did you become so smart?"

"Okay, that's good. We'll do it just like Jeongin said. Changbin report to me tonight yeah?" Chan demanded and shooed everyone out the room.

Felix was done showering and he grew tired again. The jet lag made him want to just fall on the bed and sleep but then there was this overwhelming fear of making Changbin mad if he accidentally would hug him while sleeping. So the boy just stayed up. Felix went to explore the hotel, bought a snack from the vending maschine and even offered the staff to help with cleaning one of the hotel rooms. They declined obviously so Felix had no choice but to return to his room.

"Come one it's late. Go to sleep Felix." Changbin sighed.

The tiredness was so visible on Felix but yet the younger still didn't go to sleep which left Changbin to wonder what is the reason?
Felix just stood there, looking at the bed then at Changbin and back again.

The older males gaze looked sad. "Look you can tell me. I know you're nervous I just don't understand why..."

"Idon'twanttoaccidentallymakeyouangry." Felix blurted.

"Slower again please?"

Felix took a deep breath before he mumbled again. "I don't want to make you angry by accident."

Changbin laughed. "Felix how would you ever make me actually angry?"

"I- Okay look I need to always hug something while i am sleeping otherwise I can't sleep but I don't want to make you mad because of that..." Felix explained.

Changbin understood now but was still left confused. Normally the younger would always be around Changbin and show his affection. It wasn't like Felix hasn't had hugged him before.

"But Felix you hugged me before didn't you?" Changbin asked.

Ashamed the younger whispered. "Yeah but Seungmin said I am clingy and that you probably also want some space."

Changbin's expression turned pissed. Seungmin was wrong. The older always loved Felix affection and would never get sick of it either. Honestly who would though?

Changbin patted the bed. "Just come here. I'd never get sick of you."

"Oh thank god, I thought I'd never go to sleep." Felix sighed and jumped on the bed.

He snuggled close to the others embrace and was soon out like a light. Felix slept like he did never before and was well rested the next morning. Chan seemed to give him a lot of extra confirmations on how no one is sick if him. And Changbin was for some reason angry with Seungmin but that didn't reduce Felix good mood. He was simply happy that he slept so good and Changbin was so unbothered with the hugging thing.

Authors note: GUESS WHO IS BACK AND HEALTHY anyways here you go with a new short story I hope you like it and if you did I'd be so grateful if you could VOTE thanks my bunnies and take care!!

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